Highschool Dance Club (part 2)

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Word count: 1633

Aaron T's POV

He slung his backpack over one of his shoulders as he stood from his seat and then climbed off of the bus. He walked the rest of the way to school, following the crowd of students in front of him who also went to SENY.

It didn't take long before he was once again stepping onto the school property alone. But this time it was different. He had a friend.

Said friend was pushing his way through the wave of students and frantically waving at him in an effort to flag him down. He could see his small frame through the crowd, spotting his tufts of dyed-blond hair through the others.

"Hey," Aaron said and dapped him up in the small handshake they'd made. He fell into step with him and they walked together as if they'd been friends since the start of the school year. Tae was fishing through his backpack for a magazine that he'd been wanting to show him.

"Look at this," he said when he found what he was searching for. Aaron looked at the magazine with wide eyes. "Whoa," He gasped. "I didn't know you liked The Clash!" Tae nodded with a satisfied grin.

"Who doesn't?" He asked and Aaron had to admit that he was right. They found themselves walking around the school because they couldn't be bothered to be early for class. Though they'd only met the day before, they'd become fast friends. Maybe it was because they were all they had- Tae was a bit of a loner too, but sometimes it was more than that and people were just kinda racist and unwilling to include people of other ethnicities. Both Tae and Aaron were different from most of the students at SENY because they were people of colour.

They'd hung out the day before after the dance club tryouts at Aaron's house. His mother had insisted that Tae stayed for dinner even though they'd already eaten.

They looked throughout the magazine while they walked. It introduced all sorts of other bands and artists such as AC/DC and Prince. It was comforting for Aaron to see that they'd had so much in common.

As Aaron and Tae made their way to the back of the school where there were basketball courts and a football field, they looked up from their magazine to see what was going on. A circle had formed around the basketball court, mostly of girls, but some guys, too.

They were 'oohing' and 'aahing' over something the two boys couldn't see. As they approached it and made their way around the circle, they could see through some of the bodies.

"What's so interesting about a basketball game?" Aaron asked his new friend. He'd liked to play from time to time but never really found an interest in watching the game.

Tae stood on his toes to get a better look a the players just as someone shot from the three-pointer line. The bright orange ball sailed through the air for a few quick moments before plunging through the knotted white net. A series of 'oohs' went through the crowd once more, and some of the girls jumped and cheered and clapped.

Aaron couldn't help but roll his eyes, but to his surprise, Tae was gaping at the players too.

"No way!" he gasped. He plopped down on the grass as the crowd began to disperse. Classes were going to start in fifteen minutes and some of the students didn't want to be late, leaving room for the two friends to get a clear view. They watched the people play. It looked like they were playing three-on-three.

"It's because they're playing," Tae explained. He pointed to the three people who stood underneath the net, each person guarding a player on the opposing team. Aaron was sure that they were playing for fun but the opposing team had determined looks on their faces as they went at the boys in front of them. They appeared to be losing badly.

Aaron T x Aaron Z| OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now