why don't u

644 24 14

Word Count: 780 (I am so sorry this is so cringey but it came to my mind after watching a Tik Tok and then I found the stupid ass song on yt and now im here. It's listed above so ig you could listen to that while u read)

Aaron T's POV

Z was sitting across the room on his phone. Robaire was teaching his girlfriend the dance routine to one of our songs. Tae and Jesse were snickering together in a corner.

There would be no point in lying; I was jealous. Robaire and his girlfriend were always together: hugging, kissing and laughing. Why couldn't Z and I be open like that? Why couldn't I go up to him and kiss him just like Robaire did to his girlfriend?

From a distance, I could hear Tae and Jesse laughing at something on their phones. My eyes traveled over to Z, who lifted the hem of his shirt and brought it to the skin above his lips. He let the cloth drop back to his stomach after wiping the sweat.

He didn't even look at me. He didn't even notice that I was gazing at him. Z slid a little lower in his chair, his legs spreading as he slouched. He brought a plastic water bottle to his lips and drank. His throat bobbed several times before he put the bottle down and twisted the lid back on.

The action faintly reminded me of the events that took place the night before. Still, Z never looked away from his phone. Had he already forgotten how I had him on his knees just a few hours before?

Z smiled at whatever was on his phone. His thumb tapped the screen twice. What had he seen? Was it a pretty girl? A hot guy? My fists clenched. I knew that being jealous wouldn't get me anywhere. I knew it was probably toxic to hate the idea of Z finding anyone but me attractive.

I heard Robaire's girlfriend giggle.

"Stop- ah!" She broke out into a fit of giggles as Robaire tickled her. She reached behind her to pull Robaire's lips to his. I felt my stomach churn. Why couldn't I do that to Z?

I glanced at my boyfriend, who brought his bottom lip between his teeth and chewed on it. The action was so simple, but it was enough to make me storm across the room and pull his phone out of his hands.

"Hey! Tee-"

"Who are you looking at?" I demanded. I didn't even wait for his reply. I didn't care that the rest of our bandmates were in the practice room with us. I planted my palm against Z's chest and pushed him back in his chair.

"What are you-?" He began, but his words trailed off when I slid onto his lap. If Robaire's girlfriend was allowed to do it, so should I. Immediately, Z's hands went to my hips. I smirked. He was so used to having me on his lap that it had become a reflex.

"Who were you looking at, Zee? Why do you think it's okay to look so fucking sexy with everyone else here?" I murmured to him. Z was unable to respond. His mouth fell open slightly; he let out a shaky breath. I shut his mouth by pressing a slow kiss to his lips. He was quick to mirror my actions, sliding his hands up and down my thighs.

His breath was hot and desperate against my face.

"Why don't you love me, Daddy?" I whispered between kisses. It sent shivers through Z's body and he let out a small whine. It was evident that he'd completely forgotten that Tae, Jesse, Robaire, and his girlfriend were in the room. I, however, was completely aware. My heart thumped against my ribs so quickly that I thought it was going to explode. I didn't know why I'd kissed Z. I only imagined doing it but now that I was on his lap, I didn't know what to do. What I did know was that I didn't regret it.

Sooner or later the band was going to find out about our relationship. Hell, they already thought we'd look good together.

Z tried to force my lips open but I pulled away to take in the look on his face. I couldn't help but love the sight of his half-lidded eyes and rosy cheeks. It was so easy to turn him on, to make him melt under my touch. His skin burned under my fingertips.

"Don't stop," Z murmured to me. I only smiled and slid off of his lap. Z was quick to stand and let me grab his hand. The rest of the band members stared at us with wide eyes and dumbfounded expressions as I led Z out of the room. 

Thank you for reading :')

Aaron T x Aaron Z| OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now