Short and Sweet

733 28 3

Word Count: 622 (short and sweet like the title name ;))

"I'm kinda craving brownies," T began as he laid down on the band's couch. He was in their dorm room watching T.V while he restlessly shifted in his blanket. T had come down with the flu and was forced to stay home to properly recover and avoid infecting anyone else.

Robaire was the one who suggested Z stay with him since they were so close. Z switched the channel with the remote controller, and a familiar beep sounded whenever he pressed a button.

"Don't people with the flu lose their appetite?" Z asked his friend after checking the clock. It was almost time for T to have some more of his medication. T have him a shrug. His head was pounding but he could still feel his tongue twitch in his mouth. He craved the feeling of the warm chocolate treat- he could almost smell it in the air.

"Ooh, Fight Club is on," Z whistled. He glanced at T with a toothy grin. It was their favourite film. T settled into his blanket as they watched the movie together until T felt himself slowly drift off to sleep.


T awoke in his bed to the feeling of being both too hot and too cold at the same time. His feet were freezing and his body shook with chills, but his forehead and limbs were drenched in sweat. He let out a shuttered breath and tried to get out of bed, feeling his head swim. T cursed. He hated being stuck at home. All he wanted was to go to the recording studio or to dance practice, or even go to the local art gallery- he hated the art gallery but even that seemed better than being stuck at home with nothing to do.

When he gathered his strength, T pushed himself out of bed and dragged himself to the kitchen. He'd followed his nose there when the sweet smell of chocolate brought him there.

"Zee?" Aaron T asked when he saw his tall friend leaning down at the oven and pulling out a glass baking tray. He shut the door and slipped off his oven mitts. The dorm was silent other than the sound of the oven being turned off, and he could only assume that it was just the two of them who were home.

"'Morning," Z replied and leaned against the island. He offered him a small smile. "How are you feeling?" He asked gently. Aaron gave a little shrug. "My stomach still hurts," he confessed but glanced at the tray next to his friend. "What's that?" He asked.

It was as if Aaron Z had forgotten the tray was even there. "Oh, uh..." he scratched the back of his head. "Yesterday you said you were craving brownies but we didn't have any." He looked around the room at everything except at T. Is he embarrassed? T wondered.

"So I made some. For you." Z moved to slice the already cooled tray of brownies with a small butter knife. "I made two batches in case you or the other guys wanted more," he added. A wide smile broke out onto Aaron T's lips.

He moved to wrap his arms tightly around Z even though his stomach churned.

"Awww!" He hummed and planted a firm kiss on his friend's shoulder. "You shouldn't have," He said.

"It's nothing," Aaron Z replied. He hid his face so that T couldn't see his cheeks heat, but he only thought of his stoic expression as adorable. T shoved a square of the dessert into his mouth, chewing slowly to savor the flavor before swallowing. It definately wasn't the best brownie he'd ever had, but he didn't care. He loved it all the same. 

Aaron T x Aaron Z| OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now