Dance Practice

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Word count: 1000 (let me know how long you think the parts should be!!)

Aaron T's POV

Aaron T sat down on the smooth wooden floors of the dance studio next to Tae Young and Jesse. The music to the band's newest song, "U Know What's Up" played while Robaire and Aaron Z danced next to each other. They were trying to perfect a move that they'd use on stage for their 2002 Toronto concert.

"Look at them," Tae said dreamily as he rested his chin on his hand and stared at the two. Jesse rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smirk. In front of them, Robaire jumped and spun.

"Like this?" He asked Z. The taller boy nodded and mirrored his moves.

Z was always quiet so he was often forgotten by many of the fans, but his dancing and general athleticism always amazed T. He watched as a sparkle of sweat flew off of him while he showed Robaire how to do the dance move again.

When Robaire managed to get it right, T let out a little whoop and clapped his hands. Tae laughed and joined. From across the room, Z glanced at him, the corner of his mouth turning up slightly.

"I'm out of water," Robaire said as the music began to fade at the end of the song. He wiped the sweat from over his brow and flapped his shirt to fan himself. "Anyone want to get some with me?" He asked and Jesse stood up to follow their leader to a convenience store where they could buy some bottled water.

"Wanna join me?" Asked a familiar voice, and Aaron T turned to see that Z was standing over him. A small smile spread over his lips and T took his outstretched hand.

"Ooh, go to the part where you sing!" Tae gasped and Z turned to their radio. He rewound the CD to a few counts before his verse.

T fell into step with his bandmate, and then they were dancing in sync. Tae turned down the music so that Z could begin to sing along with his recorded voice.

4 town's vocal line was Robaire, Jesse, and Tae, so Z didn't usually get that many lines, leaving him, Robaire, and T as the dance line. Robaire was blessed to be talented at everything, but that didn't stop T from thinking of how nice Z's voice sounded despite how rare it was.

His voice was a little rougher in person as they danced and when they passed each other he could feel his breath on his neck.

And then Aaron Z did something that wasn't part of the dance routine. Sure, the routine was a little scrappy still and they mostly freestyled, but the last thing T expected was for Z to slide his hand around his hips and pull him a little closer. From afar, Tae gave a little gasp and Z lowly sang the lyrics in his ear.

The truth was that both Aarons had known each other for a while. They knew each other before the band had even started, but that didn't mean they were on the best of terms. It might have been because they had the same name, yet completely different personalities. They were always competing and always wanted to one-up each other because of their similar dance skills and singing. Eventually, when the band came together, they were able to get past their immaturity and realize how much they had in common besides their name and performance skills.

And Aaron really liked Z. One could have said they were even best friends- but best friends don't hold each other by the hips. They don't guide their body against one another and definitely don't sing, "you went for it, yeah, baby, you got it" even if it is just part of a song.

Aaron T felt his cheeks and ears redden, but he didn't pull away- he liked the feel of his best friend's hands gently guiding his hips. He quietly sang along to the band's recording, and for a short while, he forgot that Tae was watching them.

When the music to the song began to fade again, they began to slow their dancing until they stood together in the studio and no music played at all. T slowly shifted to look up at his friend. Z was usually one to avoid eye contact and conversation, but the look he gave him then said otherwise.

T's voice caught in his throat. His eyes flicked from between Z's and his lips which were pressed into a thin line. He figured it was because of the tension, but maintaining Z's gaze felt strange. It felt like they were in the room alone and his clothes were slowly being stripped away from him- but then again, maybe that was exactly what was going on in Aaron Z's head.

"That was great!" Tae's sweet voice pierced through the air, instantly pulling the two of them apart. Aaron T shifted away from his best friend, feeling his cheeks heat as his eyes fall to the floor. He wiped the sweat that had developed over his top lip, but no matter how far he walked away from the taller man, it still felt like they were still only inches apart.

He could still feel his hands on his waist and his light breath on the back of his neck. Aaron shivered.

"You guys looked so cool," Tae continued, completely oblivious to the way Z had made T feel. "I mean, that part where Robbie first sings "you wanted it", we could, like, turn into doves on stage or something!" he gushed. Aaron could practically see the hearts in the youngest member's eyes, but he could barely focus on him as he felt Aaron Z's strong gaze on him.

Z had never looked at him like that before. He'd never made him feel like that before.

Aaron T bent down to replay the song on their radio.

"Again," he said and his eyes met Z's once more. 

Aaron T x Aaron Z| OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now