You Know You Like It

881 28 19

Warning: ⚠Slight Smut⚠ (more just suggestive language)
Word Count: 1622

Aaron Z's POV

"Whose that guy there?" He asked his friend, his gaze never leaving the man across the room. Bright neon lights flashed through the club and the latest music boomed from the speakers at the DJ booth. Aaron traced his finger around the circumference of his glass before lifting it and bringing it to his lips.

"How am I supposed to know?" His friend, Robaire asked him. He was looking across the club too, at the man who was dancing with his two friends. One man was small with dyed blonde hair and the other was tall with bright blue eyes. All three of the men looked sickeningly attractive but it was the boy in the middle who stood out the most: he wore a jean baseball cap backward and overalls. His outfit would have looked dorky on anyone else but he managed to pull it off.

"You gonna talk to him?" Robaire asked him. Z shrugged. He was out to most of his friends but the thought of hitting on a random guy in a club in front of his homies seemed a little weird to him. Maybe it was because Robaire had already flirted with three girls and they were all sitting around him. Z felt lame next to him.

"Go for it," Robaire said and punched him playfully in the shoulder. "Go get your man," he said with a smirk. Z rolled his eyes but he couldn't keep the smile from forming on his lips. It tugged at the edges of his cheeks.

"He might not even be gay," Z pointed out but Robaire only waved him off.

"He's clearly a little fruity," Robaire said. He stole a glance at the man who had started to dance with a woman. All of his friends were laughing and cheering them on as they ground against each other and Z felt a small pang in his stomach. He didn't know why it made him upset or why he cared so much.

"Doesn't look like it," he mumbled. And then the man lifted his gaze. He was looking across the club. At him.


Aaron T's POV

The man across the club quickly looked away when T found his eyes. He grinned. It was clear he wanted him- he didn't even try to hide his scowl when he saw T dancing with another girl.

As the song changed, T parted from his friends and made his way through the club to the bar where the boy sat. He was ordering another drink.

"I'll get it," Aaron T said as he slid next to the boy. His hand rested on the counter next to his and the man looked up at him with wide eyes. His mouth had dropped open slightly and Aaron T couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Don't look so surprised that I came over," T murmured to the man as he slid his card onto the counter. He didn't take his eyes off of the man's, which were wide as saucers, while the bartender tapped it on her machine. T slid the card back into his wallet while he added, "how could I resist when you've been eye-fucking me all night?"

The man swallowed at his words, his beautiful mocha cheeks turning to a fiery red. It was the cutest thing that he'd ever seen.

"Uh," the man began, and he stopped to clear his throat. The bartender slid the glass full of alcohol to him and he took a long sip. "Sorry," the man said after a while.

T laughed. "Don't be!" He told him. His gaze shifted from his eyes to his lips, and then lower. "I like it when you don't take your eyes off of me." The man choked and coughed, and the man next to him who appeared to be his friend let out a little wheeze. The man shot his friend a look before turning back to him and saying, "thanks for the drink."


Aaron Z's POV

Not only was he hot, but he was good with words too! Z let the man latch onto him and tug him onto the dancefloor, where they were squished between a herd of sweaty bodies and people much too drunk to worry about bumping into each other or how good they were at dancing.

Aaron T x Aaron Z| OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now