Pictures, Kisses, and Hugs (part 2)

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Aaron T's POV

T shifted to look at his other bandmates who were staring at him with wide eyes. Tae's eyes practically had stars in them as he stood and smiled at T like an idiot.

"Holy... holy shit," Tae breathed. "I knew it!" He was holding onto Jesse's arm so tight that it looked like it was going to snap. When he released it, his skin was red.

"Language," Robaire warned the youngest member. He appeared to pop out of nowhere. Aaron T lightly brushed his fingers over his lips where his friend had previously kissed them. He could still feel the soft whisper of his skin against his, though his heart no longer raced.

"Wait," T said with furrowed brows. "What do you mean you knew it? What did you know?" That was when Tae burst into laughter. The four of them were no longer focused on the fans that surrounded them- what really mattered was Aaron T's love life.

"C'mon, T," Tae cooed. "You guys were staring at each other the entire time. I'm not blind," He reminded him. Jesse smirked and nodded, saying, "you were practically begging him to kiss you. I'm just surprised he had the guts to do it."

T glanced nervously at the fans who were staring at them and whispering to each other in low voices. What was he going to do?

"But," T began. Of course, his kiss with Z was not his first. He'd shared many kisses with a few girls back in high school, and of course, he'd never forget the girl he met down at their concert in New Jersey, but this was different. He'd never kissed a guy before despite how many times he'd imagined doing it.

And Z was one of his best friends! Somehow, they managed to share their first kiss in front of hundreds of fans. How could they move on? How were the fans going to respond? What if they caught it on camera?

T had to find Z. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he had to find him. Just as T was going to turn and dash to the nearest exit, he felt Robaire's hand catch his arms.

"Hey," he said with a slight shake of his head. "You can't go. Not now," he said. And he was right. What was he thinking? If he were to be caught with Z alone again, who knows what the media would think! With it being 2002, not everyone was as progressive as T would have liked. It could be the end of 4* Town.

The kiss had jumbled his brain. He couldn't think straight, and couldn't ignore how his heart fluttered at the very thought of Z. As he turned to look back at the door Z had disappeared through, he couldn't help but remember the way his hand had gently braced his head. He could still feel his fingers twirling the ends of his hair.

T sunk down in his chair and cursed to himself. Despite how uncomfortable he was, he wasn't embarrassed. No matter how much backlash he and Z might get, he doesn't regret kissing his bandmate, and he knew that he'd never take back what he did if he had the chance.

Some of the staff were getting ready to start cleaning up. The band had already said goodbye to their fans, and all they needed was for Z to come out of the bathroom so that they could leave. T waited five painfully long minutes in his chair. He slumped in his chair in hopes to avoid everyone's eyes, but he knew that he was everyone's main focus.

Eventually, all of the staring and whispering got the best of him and he shot up from his chair and slipped out of the hall as soon as Robaire looked away from him. He knew that he'd be upset but it was the least of his worries. T needed fresh air. He needed to wash his face. He stopped the first staff member he could find and asked for directions to the nearest bathroom.

His intentions to find Z had faded, and the thought of looking him in the eye intimidated him. He was never good with relationships and love. Sure, he'd had a few kisses, but he never know what was supposed to come after that.

Finally, T saw a large sign above a door that indicated that it was a male washroom. He was ready to push it open and step inside, but the door swung open before he could even touch the handle. Out came walking Z, the tall and muscular man he called his friend and bandmate. He wiped his hands along the sides of his pants to rid them of the water that clung to his palms and fingers.

"Oh," he said quietly when their eyes met. They stopped walking and gazed at each other. T could already feel his heart rate start to quicken. It was hard enough to be in his presence, let alone keep his gaze.

The silence was awkward, and T would have been lying if he said he wasn't uncomfortable. He shoved his hands deep into his pockets and looked at his toes.

"Sorry," both Aarons said at the same time. T looked up in surprise.

"What?" He asked. "What are you apologizing for?"

There was a long moment of silence before Z scratched the back of his neck.

"I probably shouldn't have... y'know..." somehow, his avoiding the word comforted T. It made him feel like he wasn't alone, and what they shared was just as foreign to Z as it was for T.

"You don't need to apologize," He said with a small smile. "I... I liked it." That was when T realized that he wasn't lying. He almost missed the feel of Z's mouth on his. T chewed on his lip and worked up the courage to say, "I'd do it again."

T was always loud and energetic. It was always easy for him to say what he was thinking and what he wanted. He knew that he had nothing to worry about and that Z was probably feeling what he felt too. Still, the words were not easy to say.

"You would?" He asked. Aaron could see the hope in his eyes begin to rise. It made them lighter and he could see his reflection in the shine.

T nodded slightly. "Yeah," he whispered. There was an extended silence where none of them said anything. For once, T was speechless.

"Wait, you mean now?" Z asked. T stiffened.

"Uh, I mean... yeah, I guess," he said. He rocked back and forth on his heels. Slowly, Z's lips spread into a small smile. If he could, T would take a picture of it and post it on a billboard- but then again, he also liked that he was the only one to see him smile.

He let out a little chuckle and T couldn't help but do the same, as the moment was awkward yet comfortable. It felt natural. It felt like what they were doing and what they felt was right.

"Okay," he said. His voice was soft and just as gentle as his kiss. His lips pressed to T's lightly, just as they'd done less than half an hour before. This time, his kiss felt more familiar and he welcomed it with open arms. Again, his lips felt warm and that warmth shot through his body.

He felt dizzy again and leaned against the wall, letting the taller man cup his face again and press him lightly against the cold sturdy surface behind him. Z's lips separated from his for a short moment and he stopped to look at T with half-lidded eyes.

It was an enchanting look that had T weak in the knees and practically yearning to feel his lips on his. Aaron T fisted the front of Z's shirt. He pulled him down to reach his height and stood on his toes. Z stepped forward and forced his hand onto the wall next to T's face. Their kiss turned from soft and delicate to hungry and desperate.

Z's hands knocked off T's hat and his fingers tangled into his hair. He braced his head gently, but assertively enough that he was left begging for more. Finally, T planted both palms on Z's chest. He pushed him away slightly despite how much he wanted to continue kissing his friend. He'd do it for hours if he could, if his fans and bandmates allowed it.

Still, the kiss ended and Z stapped away. They remained in close contact but they no longer touched. What were they going to do? How much longer were they going to be able to continue their short-lived relationship?

Aaron T didn't know, but what he did know was that he wanted to be with Aaron Z a little longer. He had the charity to thank for that. 

Aaron T x Aaron Z| OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now