14: The Clock Doesn't Stop

Start from the beginning

"...Okay. I tried to make your mom's sauce earlier today."

"How was it?"

"Pretty decent, actually. I probably didn't get it right, so I'll have to redo it sometime."

"Nice. How was your day?"

"Good. My day went well. I found a new book to read."

"What is it?"

"Night Watch."

"By Terry Pratchett?"

"Yeah! Um- I read Hogfather a long time ago, so I thought I'd continue the series."

"Huh, how ironic." Grim chuckled.

Immy smiled a bit and sighed.

"Are you a bit calmer?" She asked, concern still in her expression.


"Good. Do you want to talk? I don't know exactly what you're going through, but-"


"...Okay. Do you want me to stay here?"

"Yes, please."


They sat there in silence for a bit.

Grim didn't want Immy to leave. He wished he could freeze time and remain in her presence forever. He wished the clock would stop. Maybe even reverse. He wished all his wishing would help something.

But the clock doesn't stop for anyone. The cruel march of time goes on infinitely.

Grim inhaled.

"Do you ever want to restart?" He asked. The question felt shameful, almost. He hated saying it. "Or just, like... freeze in time?"

"...I think you have attachment issues. But yeah, sometimes." Immy sighed. "I get what all this is about, y'know."

"I thought you said you didn't?"

"I don't know exactly."

"...What is it, then?"

"...You're afraid of death. And yourself, I guess. That kinda goes hand in hand- anyways, my point is that you're attached to me, and you hate that you're gonna lose me someday." She paused for a bit before continuing. "Did I read that right?"

"I- yeah."

"And, you're internalizing that mortality is scary and I could die at any point?"

Grim didn't speak. He pulled his legs to his chest.

"I'm scared too. Really, actually. I haven't slept very well." Immy sighed.

"Because of me?"

"Because you've made me realize my mortality." She took a shaky breath in. "I've had dreams- um- bad dreams. I've- I've had dreams of drowning, and falling, and freezing- I can't handle it. The worst, though, was one where I was running. I was running from something. I-I saw you and I ran to you, and you hugged me- and that was it."

Grim's phantom heart dropped.

"You mean-"

"Mhm. I will never, ever be scared of you, Grim. But, I am scared of the thought of being reaped. I mean, anyone would be." Immy's voice rang through Grim's body. "And, I'm scared of what you would do to yourself if that were to happen."

He sighed.

"I promise I'll be careful."

"I know you will. Care has nothing to do with it. Fate is unfair. You know this."

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