Chapter 37

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"Kaito!" Samantha got the call from Wilson and Haruka that they found Kaito's younger brother and that he was sent to the hospital. When Haruka told her that Kaito was at the station, she assumed that he was probably hurt or did something crazy. It was still in the middle of the night, so Samantha had left Keiji behind with his grandmother while she quickly traveled to the station. With the help of Haruka's translation and some pocket money that Hana gave her, she was able to get to the Police station in 10 minutes by bus.

When she arrived, she saw her husband sitting in front of a desk surrounded by Cops and detectives casually. She barged in and rushed inside when she caught a glimpse of Haruka standing next to Kaito. "KAITO!" She heaved and sprinted forward.

Kaito turned his head and his eyes widened in surprise when he saw her. "Samantha? What are you—"

"Are you hurt? Are you okay?" She stopped in front of him and examined his ruffled appearance. His hair was a mess and he had a black eye. There were scratches on his face and a cut on his lip. "Your face! You're hurt!" Samantha grabbed Kaito by the sides of his head and pulled him closer so she could get a better look.

"Samantha!" He groaned. "I'm fine—"

"What happened to your arm!" She gasped and tugged him forward.

"I got beat up a little." He shrugged.

"A little?!" She whined. "You have cuts all over your face Kaito! You look like you were in a fight with an army of men!"

"It's nothing I can't handle on my own, Sam." He hushed her. "Everything is okay. I'm okay."

Samantha didn't trust his words, but she gave in and let out a relieved sigh. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her toes to engulf him in a tight hug. Kaito responded by allowing her to hug him and took in her scent. She smelled fresh as if she just come out of the shower, and it comforted him to know that she was safe. He felt bad that she came all the way to see him like this in the night.

The detectives and cops around them awkwardly stared at the two. They couldn't believe that the Assassin before them had a woman clinging to him. Kaito noticed their stares and his face heated up. Samantha pulled away suddenly and glanced at his handcuffs. "Wait a minute, but why did they arrest you?"

"Because he's still Japan's most wanted Assassin." Haruka stepped forward with two cups of coffee in his hands. He sipped on one and handed the other to her.

"But what did he do?" Samantha snapped at him and eyed the cup in his hands scornfully. "Kaito did what you asked for him to do. He helped you solve your case. Wasn't he supposed to get a reduced sentence or something?"

Haruka sighed and forced the coffee cup into her hand. He walked over to his desk and sat in front of them. "If I can get a good lawyer for him, maybe he will get a reduced sentence. That all depends on the Supreme Court of Japan."

"What? But you promised him!" Samantha growled.

"Hey, don't get worked up." Kaito nudged her with his arm. "The deal I made with him never guaranteed the shorter sentence. I just didn't want to be executed."

"I can't just give out shorter sentences Samantha, I'm a detective, I'm not a judge."

"Is there something else you can do?" Samantha frowned. She didn't want to admit it, but she didn't want Kaito to be separated from her so quickly. He would go back to prison, but that would mean she'd have to raise Keiji all by herself. She wanted Keiji to see his father more. "Anything at all?"

"I can't do anything as of now." Haruka shook his head. "I called you here so you could see Kaito one last time before he's transported back to Queenstown. I'll be the one to help you and Keiji get back to the states."

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