Chapter 5

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Samantha paced back and forth in front of the Bunny's barista. She was supposed to be meeting up with Isabella to give her an answer. At first, she wanted to say no, but she was growing more uneasy about the deadline. She didn't want to be fired, she knew Mr. Giles would fire them both without hesitation if they didn't come up with and publish a story.

"Move." She heard a deep voice command behind her. She stopped pacing and looked at the rude person. It was the Asian man who worked there, and he was carrying a stack of big boxes.

"Oh! Sorry!" She stepped out of his way after realizing why he commanded her. She even held the door open for him and he stepped inside without saying thankyou. It was a bit rude of him, but she sort of deserved it for being in his way.

"Sam!" Samantha heard Isabella's call and watched as she jogged over to her. The two greeted each other briefly before walking inside the building. Samantha noticed that this time there was another worker behind the counter. It was an Asian woman who was helping the guy with the boxes in his arms.

"Have you given it any thought yet? About helping me?"

"I have. And I decided to help you only because I don't want to get fired. But if I feel that my life is in danger in any way, I'm backing out." Samantha stated firmly. She did her research. If the Yakuza were powerful enough to smuggle drugs, prostitute women, and sell weapons illegally all while hidden in the United States, she could only imagine what they'd do to her and Isabella.

They could kill them and wipe them out of existence for all she knew. She wanted to make sure she was careful. Risking her life for a $1000 bonus and promotion wasn't worth it.

"What exactly do we need to find Kaito?"

"Just proof of some sort. Do you remember his sign?" The two women sat inside the shop near the bookshelf. Isabella reached in her bag and pulled out her notebook and a few pictures. She gave one particular photograph to Samantha.

"The X's and O's?" Samantha frowned at the photo. She saw the letters on a wall that looked like it was written with a sharp object. A knife of some sort.

"Kaito is a skilled swordsman and knife user. I've heard that after he finishes his targets, he leaves his signs with a dagger or a katana." Isabella hummed. "I have a cop friend who's been giving me tips about this case. He says that there have been XO symbols left on the walls on the sides of buildings near Cartersville but also Delsa Valley."

"Is there any work in this building who speaks ENGLISH? In America, we speak ENGLISH! Not Ching-Chong language!" A random shout from an older white woman caused Isabella and Samantha to glance at the front counter.

The Asian woman was moving around frantically with the register while the guy working was trying to help her. The man rolled his eyes at the Caucasian lady.

"Speak English!" She shouted at the two again.

"That's very rude of you, ma'am." Isabella stood up and confronted the woman. "I speak Spanish, and I'm American."

Samantha walked over to the counter and glanced at the register screen to see if she can offer any help to the new worker.

"What exactly is the problem?" She asked the Asian woman. But before she could answer, the Caucasian woman blurted out her complaints.

"I'm trying to order one coffee, 2 sugars, and no milk. I also want a blueberry muffin. But she keeps asking that Chink over their questions, and I can't understand them. This idiot over there replies back and she gets my order wrong!"

"Ma'am, let's not resort to name-calling. It was just a small misunderstanding. Maybe she is not fluent in English." Samantha huffed and rolled her eyes at her.

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