Chapter 36

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A soft groan escaped Kaito's lips as he drifted into consciousness. His body felt numb, and he felt his legs and arms tied down by itchy rope. He opened his eyes slowly, and there was a gleam of light that slightly blinded him. He squinted and moved his eyes back and forth.

"Inochi.." He moaned after realizing where he was. Someone placed him in Inochi's office. Whoever hit was handled his body carelessly. He'd be sure to make Inochi and his lackeys pay for it later.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty," Inochi said in a sarcastic tone. He strides toward Kaito carefully and kneeled in front of him. "You had me frightened. I thought I hit you a little too hard, but surely, a great knife-wielding warrior like yourself wouldn't die or go brain dead so easily."

"Inochi.." Kaito grunted and rolled over. His hands were tied behind his back, so he was using his knees to propel himself up to a more comfortable position. "Why? Where is...Katashi?" Kaito spoke in shallow breaths.

"We have bigger things to worry about. You'll see him soon." Inochi yanked Kaito back by his shirt and slammed him against the wall. All the air left Kaito, and he was sure one of his ribs was seriously bruised or broken. "What did I ever do for you to disrespect me, boy?"

"What are you talking about?" Kaito coughed.

"When you were younger, I took you in as my own. I fed you, gave you warm clothes. I even gave you a job." Inochi narrowed his eyes and raised his palm to Kaito's neck. "But you've changed, and I see why. Honestly, Kaito. How stupid do you think I am? I know you!"

"I have no clue what you are hinting to. Get to the point." Kaito clenched his jaw tightly.

Inochi placed his hand around Kaito's neck and tightened his hold. "YOU DARE MOCK ME? Did you really think when you came back to Japan that I wouldn't find you and get intel? My best assassin disappeared for 4 years! So I took it upon myself to do some research." Inochi smirked and released Kaito.

Kaito dropped to his knees and gasped for air.

"Since when did you start working for the cops, Kaito?"

Kaito swore under his breath. Inochi snapped his fingers, and the office door was kicked open. 2 bulky men in suits dragged Nina, who was kicking and screaming inside. Kaito's heartbeat sped up.

Inochi snapped his fingers, and the men released Nina. He sauntered over to her and mercilessly began ramming his fist into her face. Kaito rolled around helplessly, watching the horrid scene unfold. Inochi knew that Kaito wasn't the type to harm a woman or child, this was a test.

"Inochi!" Kaito gasped. "Stop!"

Inochi ignored him and continued. He only stopped when Nina's face was beaten to the point blood ran down her nose and lips.

"Please!" Kaito grumbled. "You're angry with me! Leave the cop out of it."

Inochi tossed Nina's body aside, and he snapped his fingers again. The two men began taking care of Nina, dragging her out of the room. Inochi wiped his hands on a towel and sanitized them afterward, as if he touched some filthy insect. "You're right. I'm very pissed off with you, disappointed really. How is it that the boy I trained directly under me goes behind my back and works with the enemy? But that's okay. My plan for you is different."


"I've learned all about your little girlfriend and boy."

Kaito's blood went cold hearing Inochi's tone. Kaito put as much effort as he could into positioning himself in a position where he looked Inochi eye to eye. He clenched his jaw. "You'd better not lay one finger on them." Kaito spat out in a deadly tone. His voice was laced with a venomous key.

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