Chapter 2

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"Haruka... what the bloody devil are you thinking?" Kaito slammed the black sedan car door behind him after he stepped outside. Haruka sauntered around the driver's side of the car and stopped to stand next to him. Kaito was staring at a small building in the middle of nowhere.

This place was the opposite of Queenstown. Queenstown was a large urban city full of skyscrapers and busy streets filled with tons of cars. This place was out in the countryside. Next door was a barn, and he could smell the horse crap from the parking lot.

There were a few other small shops within the area, one was a farmer's market and the others were a few small diners, and restaurants with limited cars. The street was nowhere as busy as they were in the city, and there weren't any sounds of trains or buses nearby.

I guess the only good thing that came out of the trip was that this place was a lot quieter.

"Welcome to the Bunnies Barista." Haruka gestured at the building in front of them. "One great coffee is only one hop skip and away." He smiled at Kaito.

"You're joking. You have to be. You want me to work here at this dump?" Kaito eyed the shop in disgust. "What kind of childish girlish name for a store is that?"

"I thought you liked coffee." Haruka shrugged teasingly. "Don't worry, with a few renovations and decorations, this place will be a hotspot in no time."

"Don't make me kill you, Haruka." Kaito spat venomously. He was highly irritated that Haruka drove him 1 hour out of the city and dragged him to some cutesy cafe with a bunny rabbit on the cover. He was holding back at reaching his hand over to Haruka and snapping his neck.

"Follow me." Haruka rolled his eyes and walked inside. Kaito flung the door open and prowled behind him angrily. The inside of the building was worse than the outside. He couldn't believe Haruka was expecting him to run this trash hole as an undercover job.

The place was a bakery slash coffee shop and in the lounge area was a bookshelf full of books. Kaito assumed they were romantic novels, erotica even. This place just seemed to attract a lot of women, and gay men.

"You expect me to bake too?" Kaito snorted ferociously.

"All you have to do is make the coffee. There's something I have to show you behind the counter." Haruka strolled behind the working area and looked under the surface of where coffees and freshly baked treats would be served. He tapped something underneath, and the wall behind him was traced into a doorway.

The wall opened slowly, revealing a secret room full of weapons and other combat equipment. Kaito smiled wide and jogged over to Haruka happily. "That's what I'm talking about!" He picked up an assault gun and cocked it at Haruka. He pretended to pull the trigger and made a clicking sound with his mouth.

Haruka rolled his eyes. Kaito was playing with the weapon like it was a toy. Kaito's specialty we're throwing knives and he was extremely skilled with Japanese blades. He's trained with a Katana for years. But there was a sacred place in his heart for guns.

Killing people with them was quicker and more efficient. It was a lot less clean up too.

"She's beautiful." Kaito placed his lips against the rifle.

"Don't get carried away. We're hoping you won't have to use the heavy stuff." Haruka crossed his arms. He pulled a notepad and pen and shoved them in Kaito's free arm. "Take notes, I'm about to give you a lot of information."

"Don't worry about it old man." Kaito chuckled. "I've done this before. Asuka is not that hard to find—"

"You're not working on this case as a regular Assassin. We will not play dirty." Haruka intervened. "Right now, Asuka knows that we are after him. He's all over the news in Japan, which is why we are conducting this investigation here in America. He's hiding somewhere. Your job is to help locate him and find Katashi, then you'll leave the rest to us."

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