Chapter 10

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Wilson pulled into the cafe parking lot. When he stepped out of the driver's side, Kaito tossed his motorcycle keys at him. The flying object hit him in the face. "Geez! Watch where you aim!" Wilson grumbled.

"Hurry up, I'm running late." Kaito snatched the sedan's keys out of Wilson's hand. He nudged him out of his way.

"Where the heck are you rushing off to? Didn't Haruka tell us to be on standby?"

"It's none of your business." Kaito hopped in the car and started the ignition. Then he pulled out of the parking lot. Wilson decided that he was going to have to follow after him.

After a few minutes, Kaito pulled up into a complex with several apartment buildings. Each building had 2 apartments, one on the left and one on the right. He glanced at his phone quickly, trying to see which building number Samantha had texted him.

The place looked very upscale for a small town. The buildings looked clean and well taken care of. He spun the wheel around and turned to park in a space when he spotted Samantha waiting in front of one of the buildings. She was on her phone, texting someone.

Kaito observed her appearance, and she looked completely different. She straightened her hair, so her long brown strands reached below her shoulders. She wore a long-sleeved turtle neck and a long black skirt with boots, most likely because it was wintertime and it was cold.

Kaito opened the door slightly and called out to her. She turned in the direction of his voice and smiled at him. Then she placed her phone in her bag and jogged towards the car.

"Sorry, I'm late," Kaito mumbled when she took a seat on the passengers' side.

"Oh, no you're fine. We have 20 minutes before the movie starts anyways. Do you need directions to the theater?"

"I know where it is." He changed gears to reverse and pulled out of the parking lot. While the two rode off in the direction of the movie theater, they exchanged a bit of small talk. "I like your hair." Kaito wasn't usually a person of good communication. He did what he thought was best.

"Thank you!" Samantha giggled anxiously. "I'm super excited for the movie. The trailer for it looks pretty cool. What do you think?"

Kaito cursed mentally. He forgot to watch the trailer. "I think it looked interesting. I'm just hoping it won't be a waste of money."

"You won't have to worry about it. I'll be the one paying."

"You don't have to—"

"I want to." Samantha intervened. "Turn here, it's a shortcut." Kaito pressed his foot on the breaks and make a right turn.

"You're very generous." Kaito chortled.

"As are you. You keep giving me free coffee. It's about time I return the favor." Samantha chirped. "The theatre is here! On the right."

Kaito signaled and turned his wheel again. He knew where to go, but it amused him to see her take the lead. He pulled into the parking lot and turned off the ignition. The two hopped out of the car and strolled inside the building.

There were a lot of people inside, which made Kaito feel uneasy. He was always used to wearing a mask in front of big crowds. Before he could take in his surroundings, Samantha grabbed him by the arm and dragged him over to the admission and snacking area.

The clerk in charge of admitting people scanned her phone and waved her off.

"Do you eat popcorn?"

Kaito hated buttered popcorn. But he didn't want to be rude or sound odd. So he nodded his head and lied. Samantha smiled and ordered a large bowl of popcorn for the two to share and two soft drinks.

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