Chapter 13

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A few more months had passed, and Samantha continued working on minor projects and reports for her job. Outside of work, she found herself constantly meeting with Leo. At first, she swore she didn't have any kind of feelings for him or felt that he was just playing around with her feelings.

But every time she went back to the Bunny's Barista, Leo seemed to welcome her with open arms. At a certain point, she confronted him about their relationship. She asked herself if they were just a fling or an actual thing. Deep down, she didn't want it to be a fling.

She liked talking with Leo. To her, it felt like Leo had been a person who brought her comfort. Whenever she went back, she noticed his small quirks, that he was somewhat sarcastic when speaking to the Asian lady who always worked. But for the most part, he was always endearing when speaking to Samantha.

After questioning Leo, he only responded with "What do you think?". This perplexed her. At that point, she admitted to him that she had liked him in a more than friendly way. Fortunately, Leo wasn't opposed, and the two began their relationship.

Dates were common every week, often of them meeting at the cafe, or Leo meeting her at her home and going out.

On the other side, Kaito only agreed internally to have a relationship with her for business purposes. In time, he prided himself on being a great actor. Samantha was clueless, she didn't suspect any wrong from him, which made it easier to deal with her. She began to trust him more.

But even with all that trust, she still refused to talk about work often. Whenever he wanted to get any information out of her about the company, it was like her lips were sealed shut. He constantly wondered what in the world he could do to finally make her give him any information, and the craziest idea hovered around in his mind.

At first, he thought it was absolutely crossing the line, but it felt like the only other option besides recording all the nonsensical things he and Wilson have been doing for months.

Although the relationship between them was close, he decided to wait a while longer until he had Samantha completely wrapped around his finger. When that time came, when he observed her reactions and behavior whenever she encountered him, he would know

More months had passed, and Samantha's confession came much sooner than he thought. She told him she loved him. It was unexpected and surprising, but Kaito went along with it. That insane idea he had came back to his mind, and it occurred to him that it was the perfect time to act on it.

Kaito wasn't a romantic, but if he wanted to reach his goal, he had to act like one. So he kneeled down and pulled out a small box that contained a ring he asked Wilson to buy for him, and he proposed to Samantha.

It was a crazy idea, he knew. Marriage was a completely different ballpark, and he never planned on ever settling down with anyone. Which made Samantha the perfect target. She was completely unaware and trusted him a lot, and marriage would only strengthen the bond she had with him.

What better way to get some juicy intel than by living with the person? It would be easier for him to observe her through her phone, and monitor her behavior when he was closer to home with her.

Samantha was shocked at first, but she accepted the proposal graciously and smothered him in a tight hug. She was extremely happy but wasn't sure how to let all her emotions out.

Wilson knew what Kaito was up to, but when Haruka found out, he was NOT in a good mood about it.

"You what?" Haruka's toned lowered menacingly. He dug into his ear, wondering if he heard Kaito correctly.

"I proposed to the journalist." Kaito shrugged and took a swig of his bottle of beer, before placing it back on the service counter. He was trying to get drunk before Haruka went off on him. It was his fourth bottle.

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