Chapter 1

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"Samantha! Samantha... Samantha... Samantha.." A middle-aged Caucasian man with graying hair and green eyes approached a younger woman who was currently printing out documents on a copy machine. She was darker skinned and had short brown Afro hair.

"Yes, Mr. Giles?" The woman replied nervously. It was her first week at her job, she was assigned to work under Mr. Giles as an Editorial Assistant. But Mr. Giles was a very commanding and stubborn superior, he was never satisfied with any of the work Samantha did.

She was afraid that she was on the verge of being fired.

"Would you like to explain what this is?" Mr. Giles tossed a stack of paper at her, and she barely caught it. The stacks of paper were her own stories and pretend News reports that she made after hearing some intel from her other coworkers. Although she was an Editorial Assistant, she wanted to be a journalist.

She didn't switch majors from Biology to Journalism only to be someone who edits the stories and not writes them. Samantha understood that she had to work hard to get into the position she wanted, so she practiced writing stories during her free time. "They're News Reports I created, sir."

"I didn't hire you to write. I hired you to edit the hundreds of reports we already have that need to be published." Mr. Giles pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "It's already been a week and you haven't completed what I assigned you. I know that you're new to the job, but you're slow."

"I am still trying to figure my way around, sir. I will get better, please just give me time." Samantha frowned and turned off the copy machine before taking out some important documents that the publishing team needed for their next meeting. She had so much work to do. She was only running on 4 hours of sleep, and her coffee crash was not helping her.

"I'll give you another week. If I see no improvements, I'll have to let you go. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." Samantha nodded. Mr. Giles snatched the copies of documents out of her hands, and then took the pretend news reports away from her. He tossed her stack into the bin next to the copier.

"Focus on your job if you want to get to the writing part. If you work hard, you might be able to earn a promotion." Mr. Giles huffed and walked away. Samantha waited until he walked back into his office down the hall before taking her stack of papers out of the bin.

She gazed at them fondly and held them to her chest. She was really going to have to get herself together before the end of next week.

"You know, if you want to improve here, you're gonna have to do something to impress him." A man's voice whispered to her. She opened her eyes slightly wider and looked in the direction of the person's voice.

It was a tall blonde man, with blue eyes. He was dressed in a white dress shirt and black slacks, with loafers. "Hi, my name's Oliver. I am a part of the Publishing team." The man held his hand out to her.

"Samantha." She shook it and smiled. "But you can call me Sam. I'll be sure to take your advice." She nodded at him. He was the first employee to talk to her that was genuine with his words. The others usually piled tasks for her on top of everything else she had to do.

"I have a few other pointers too, but I'm running late for our meeting now. I'll just have to tell you them some other time." Oliver chuckled. "It was nice meeting you, Sam." He sauntered past her and waved goodbye as he walked towards the conference room.


It was a dark and cold evening in the city of Queenstown. In the center of the city was a large and heavily guarded prison facility, full of not only America's but also the world's absolute worst criminals. It was a place that the people outside of the electric fence avoided.

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