Chapter 34

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"Get off of him!" Samantha threw herself over Kaito's body. She shielded him and stopped the thugs from hitting her husband. The three thugs decided to leave Kaito and Samantha there, in the rain. "Kaito! What is wrong with you?!" She grabbed him by the wrist, but Kaito shrugged her off.

"Let me go!"

"Why were those guys beating you? What happened? You're soaking, come inside!" She reached for him, but Kaito swung his arm away from her. "Are you... are you drunk?" She grabbed his face and tilted his head.

The smell of heavy liquor-filled her nostrils. Kaito indeed had a lot more drinks than he needed. "It's none of your business." Kaito spat and snatched her hands off him.

"It is my business! You're setting a bad example for Keiji! Coming home drunk is not a good thing for our child to see, idiot!" Samantha searched Kaito's pockets. "Where is your phone?"

"Get off!"

"Where? Give me your phone!" Samantha whined. She wanted to call Wilson or Haruka to take her husband out of the rain and somewhere for him to rest. She didn't want Keiji to see him like this. "Kaito! It's cold and I'm wet! Tell me where your phone is!"

Kaito took off his jacket and tossed it at Samantha angrily, allowing for his long sleeve to get wet by the rain. By this time, the storm had worsened. Samantha struggled to find Kaito's cell as the water droplets pounded onto her hair and skin.

When she finally found it, she covered the screen and opened the phone. "Haruka... Haruka.." She mumbled and looked for his contact name. Before she could call, the phone was snatched out of her hands and thrown to the ground. "Kaito!" Samantha groaned. It was going to be a long night for her.


"What the..." Kaito swung his legs off the couch and examined his environment. He quickly realized that he was in Wilson's apartment. His face hurt and his head was pounding. "Shite." Kaito groaned.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Wilson spun around in front of Kaito. He was dressed in a baby blue apron and sweatpants. In one hand, he had a mug full of tea, and in the other, he had a plate of toast.

"How the heck did I get here?" Kaito massaged his forehead and grabbed the mug and took a drink.

"You're sweet wife brought you last night—"

"Crap! Samantha!" The memories of him stumbling home drunk flooded his thoughts. "Where is she?"

"She's asleep in my bedroom. You stressed her out so bad that she looked like death. Her skin was lighter than ever, and she was shivering when she laid you out here."

"In YOUR bedroom?" Kaito hissed.

"Relax, I slept at a hotel nearby. I didn't touch her." Wilson placed the plate on the coffee table and laced his hands on his waist. "I let her sleep in, so I cooked. There are some pain pills in the kitchen for your hangover."

Kaito rolled his eyes.

"Do you wanna explain why you went home drunker than a pirate? You know you're an angry drunk, right?" Wilson folded his arms. "You broke two of my vases last night."

"This case is just so frustrating and tiring," Kaito admitted.

"Is it too difficult for Kaito Takashi, the most dangerous assassin in all of Japan to handle?"

"I'm serious, Wilson." Kaito moaned. "I met with Inochi last night, and it didn't go well."

"What do you mean? Isn't he the guy who always welcomes you back with open arms?"

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