Chapter 47

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Loki's POV*

One thing Nyx had learned about Loki in the short time of knowing and loving her was that her intuition was never wrong. 

The moment they returned from the Night Court they found an army double the size of the first led by the two Princess' of Xesha. 

"Shit," Finch whispered as he looked across the field. 

"I sent word to Rhysand. They are sending back up but... By the time they get here, Velaris will have been taken." Inej said mournfully as she glanced at the army. 

"Loki? Got some brilliant ass plan for this one?" Finch asked. 

Two exhausted and injured Illyrians, a demi-goddess of death, and the heir of the night court against an army of Xesha soldiers. 

Four to 50,000... not great odds. 

"We don't need to win... We just need to stall." Loki said. "I'm gonna do something completely suicidal and stupid. Stay out of my way until you get the signal."

"What's the signal?"

"You'll know it when you see it," Loki said stepping foot onto the battlefield alone. 

Nyx immediately reached out to pull her back, "Hell no! Not fucking happening." 

She turned to him, brushing her fingers lightly through his hair. She gripped his onyx black hair pulling him down to her level as she places a sweet kiss on his lips. 

"Trust me on this...I'm Loki Brekker." She kissed him once more stepping out onto the battlefield. 

"No mourners," Loki said. 

"No funerals." The others answered in the classic good luck of the barrel. 

She winnowed in front of the army, standing casually with her hands behind her back. She had figured out their plan the moment she saw the armies. 

While the king distracted the Night Courts leaders, who were known to crave peace above all, their armies would attack. 

He had probably trusted that they were there to negotiate peace due to the night court's reputation for being heroes. It would have been brilliant if they had accounted for one more variable... the queen of thieves.

What they had not expected was that Loki Brekker was on their side, making the plans. The heroes had a villain strategizing for them, something none of them would expect. 

"Well hello..." Loki crooned. 

Her voice was cold and menacing as death itself. 

"Who are you?" One of the Xesha princesses asked with venom. 

"I am the female that killed your unkillable father a few minutes ago. I am death." Loki announced smiling wickedly. 

Before anyone could respond, pure, unended death exploded as Loki released her power completely. 

Bloodlust took over as her eyes turned completely black, the veins on her face and body darkening menacingly. 

In the blink of an eye, she had ripped off the first princess' head and taken out 100 soldiers in a single motion. 

She slaughtered her way to the center of the hoard, Xesha soldiers surrounded her but she saw nothing, heard nothing. 


All she saw was a shower of blood as she tore through the army. 

The smell of terror and death stained the air as she clawed her way through the infantry. 

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