Chapter 10

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The air was knocked from his lungs and he nearly dropped the glass in his hand. 

He felt the bond click into place the moment his eyes met that piercing steel gaze. 

He couldn't see most of her features due to her masquerade mask. He saw her pale ivory leg sticking out from the precarious slit in her dress and he was already drooling. 

He could make out wisps of ash blond hair from under her hood, the same color he had seen in his dreams. 

He had craved a mate since he could remember. Watching the unending love his parents shared created a desire that he could never satisfy with passing fancies. 

And there she was, his other half, his mate, the one who was made for him.

They hadn't even spoken a word and he would do anything for her. 

A smile took over his face as he looked at her, but he felt his heart drop as he watched her uninterested eyes turn to a look of horror. She had felt it too. And she was not of the same loving opinion.

Without acknowledging anything else around him Nyx took off down the flight of stairs towards where he saw her. 

Frustration grew in him as the crowd seemed to intentionally be blocking his path to her. (A/N: They weren't) 

He couldn't get to her fast enough. 

He followed that string-pulling him to her. 

He ignored the call of his parents, pushing through the drunk partiers. 

He didn't care for politeness as he nearly knocked the entirety of the crowd on their ass.

When he finally reached where she stood a minute before, she was gone. 

He frantically searched the crowd for her. 

Trying to feel the bond. 

Where was she?

Where was she?

Where was she?

Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?Where was she?

A hand grabbed onto his shoulder. 

He turned to see his father's worried face, "Nyx what's wrong?"

Nyx felt like he couldn't breathe. He couldn't talk now! He needed to find her. Needed to get to her. Needed to see her face and hear her voice and touch her.  Oh cauldron he wanted to know what it felt like to touch her. 

"M-mate! My mate, she was here! I-I need to find her! Dad I need to find her!" Nyx said breathlessly. 

"Show me what she looks like, we'll help you find her. But you have to calm down, son. You run up to her in this state you'll freak her out!" Rhys said in a calming tone, keeping his hand tightly on his sons shoulder. 

That seemed to pull Nyx out of his daze as he allowed his mental shields to fall so he his father could see his mate. 

All the color drained from Rhysands face as he saw his son's mate. He knew those cold grey eyes anywhere. They had been haunting him since he first met her in Ketterdam. The same ash blond hair and black gloves. The same soldiers stance and graceful, yet imposing movements. 

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