Chapter 46

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Loki's POV*

Everything was in place. The trap was set. 

After Inej and Finch failed to return, plan B was put into action. 

Every gangster, bodyguard, or able body above the age of 15 was on high alert. They were on orders to act as usual unless a red flare was shot from the crow club. 

All they had to do was wait. 

By some miracle, Nyx and Loki convinced the sr. members of the Night Court inner circle to let them handle the initial interaction unless they too saw the red flare. 

Nyx sat at one of the tables, dressed in his Illyrian leathers with his crown from the night court sat on his head. 

Loki was at the bar, several crows fluttered around tending to the other patrons ignoring the existence of Nyx completely. 

Alice casually walked up to Loki holding a drink before whispering to her, "Menagerie girls spotted them incoming. They just entered the city, they should be here in a few minutes."

Loki nodded before giving Nyx a suggestive look. Nyx nodded in understanding. 

Two of the whores Loki hired sat practically in Nyx's lap, waiting for the signal to start touching him. They were terrified knowing that they were playing a part and praying that Loki wouldn't kill them for touching her mate. 

They knew it was their job and that Loki asked them to do it. But it was still terrifying to have Loki Brekker watching your every move. 

Nyx also wasn't very fond of the idea. The girls were beautiful but it felt like ants crawling all over his skin whenever they touched him. 

It wasn't Loki and he hated it. He also wouldn't admit it, but it was pissing him off how relaxed Loki was being about two girls touching him. 

If the situation had been flipped he would have been going ballistic. But there she sat, swirling her drink, calm as could be. 

That was only on the surface of course. Truthfully, she was having to hold herself back from tearing the girl's arms from their bodies. 

With a tap of her glass, the girl got the signal and began rubbing up on him. touching him, flirting heavily, and giggling. 

"Boss... The King of Xesha is asking for entrance." Marco said calmly from behind Loki.

Loki turned slowly, the King stiffened under her gaze.  He cleared his throat and began explaining, "Loki Brekker, I have heard many stories... I hope you don't mind, we will be using your establishment as neutral ground in some negotiations."

She slowly looked him up and down before responding. 

"I know... The Prythian brat paid me a pretty penny to allow you skivs to host your little meeting here... I'll tell you what I told him. If you get out of hand, if you cause a scene in my club, if one of you drops dead, if one of you just mildly annoys me, neither of you are leaving alive... King or not, don't fuck up my club." Her voice was cold, uncaring. 

It sent a chill down the king's spine. He nodded towards his two guards who dragged in Inej and Finch. She could smell the fae bane on them and the blood leaking from Inej that was riding her of it. 

Loki stood her voice somehow echoing through the whole place causing everyone to silence, "Everyone, get the fuck out."

As if she had set the place on fire, everyone except the crows ran out of the gambling den and bar. Dancers stumbled over themselves to retreat as all left. 

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