Chapter 29

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Loki Brekker returned to Ketterdam the day after she declared herself the daughter of the death God Bryaxis.

That was two days ago and Nyx felt like he was in hell.

They thought it best to limit the time he spent with Loki so their bond didn't strengthen further, just in case there were some undesirable side effects.

He knew when he found out that Loki Brekker was his mate, that it would not be easy to love her. He knew it would be a struggle to get past her barriers, to fight with his family, to break down those walls that separated them.

But MOTHER, it was much harder not to love her with everything in him.

It didn't take long for Nyx to fall completely in love with Loki. Blaim it on the bond that was way too strong if you want, but Nyx was completely addicted to her.

Now that she was so far away it felt as if his would was being ripped from his body. He hadn't slept in two days and it showed. He was aggressive, eating was a challenge, he had a raging headache that wouldn't dull no matter what he tried.

Loki. Loki. Loki.

All he could think about was his mate. His family was beginning to seriously worry about him. He beat the shit out of Finch during training yesterday and he couldn't feel any remorse about it.

He didn't feel like himself and he didn't know why.

They knew the bond was strong but this was obsurd. No mating bond should have this effect, this fast. His uncle Cassian told him about similar symptoms that Rhysand had when Feyre was away at the Spring Court, but that was months apart.

Every fiber of his being screamed at him to solidify the bond, to be fully mated. It was an instinctual, animalistic desire to go to her.

It was driving him insane.

"Nyx you have to calm down." Rhysand tried to reason.


He was perfectly calm, perfectly in control. It was totally normal to punch straight through the bark of a tree. It was totally normal to punch the rocks of the mountain until they either shattered or his hands started bleeding. It was totally natural to explode with all the power of night after he dropped a fork at dinner. He was totally fine!

"Do you think... she... is reacting the same way?" Feyre asked Mor as they watched the father son duo.

They had to avoid saying Loki's name around Nyx. It only got worse when they did. They were truly beginning to worry about what this bond was doing to them.

A loud BOOM echoed through the clearing at the bottom of the mountain. They watched as Nyx went into high alert.

"LOKI STOP! You have to calm down!" They heard the frantic voice of Inej call out from the distance.

Within seconds Loki was in their sights.

She looked worse than Nyx. Her eyes were completely black, dark veins crawled across her face. She was paler than usual. Her tidy hair was in disaray and she wore a loose fitting shirt that looked like it had been tourn apart by a wild animal.

She looked like a monster, but to Nyx she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

They were in each others arms before anyone could blink. He embraced her with everything he had as she threw her arms around his neck.

They felt themselves relax at the others scent, the agony they had endured finally subsiding. Nyx buried his face in the crook of her neck, basking in her presence.

Loki's eyes returned to normal, the black veins faded, and life returned to her face.

"Sorry. I couldn't stop her." Inej told the other observers.

"I don't think anyone could have. It was nearly impossible to keep Nyx from going after her as well." Feyre comforted the shadow singer, who had been trying to contain Loki for the past two days.

At first Loki was able to control herself, but as time ticked on she got more desperate. She was so desperate she didn't even put on shoes or her gloves before winnowing into velaris. She slammed through the barrier nearly shattered it in her ravenous tyrad to get to her mate.

The mates finally calmed but did not separate. Loki was finally able to look at them, while Nyx still held his head buried in her neck.

"... I don't think it's a good idea to separate." The rasp in Loki's voice was far more apparent then they had ever heard it.

Both she and Nyx looked exhausted.

"You know... something tells me you might be right." Rhysand crooned sarcastically.

Nyx refused to move away from her as they re-entered the house. He was practically ontop of her, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

"Why don't we go to sleep." Nyx whispered so that only Loki could hear.

She nodded, her hair tickling the side of his face.

They moved towards his room, her scent invaded his senses as they walked. Every nerve in his body was on fire. It felt like electricity wherever their skin brushed.

Her touch was like a drug to him, every brush of flesh sent lightning into his veins. He was utterly addicted to her.

They laid on his bed, he pulled her close. But it didn't feel like enough. She pulled back, looking down on him. Nyx growled at the lack of contact but didn't move to pull her back to him.

"Take off your shirt." Loki ordered.

Nyx froze.

His eyes darkened and his voiced dropped to a gutteral growl, "What?"

Loki pulled of her own shirt, telling him once again to do the same, "It's not enough. I need more. More contact. I need to be closer."

He understood what she meant. Being separate was not good for them, they were both teetering on the edge of feral and the only thing that seemed to calm their instincts was contact with each other.

Nyx sat up, pulling his shirt off in one smooth motion and throwing it to the floor. He laid back down, fighting to keep his eyes on her face rather than travel down to her exposed body.

She laid practically on top of him, their chests flush against each other. His arms wrapped tightly around her as he pulled her close.

He wished he could bottle this feeling. This feeling of love and ecstasy and need. He would get drunk on it every day for the rest of his life.

A/N: Just a little look at our feral Loki Brekker! <3

A/N: Just a little look at our feral Loki Brekker! <3

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