Chapter 42

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Loki had stared bad odds in the face many times. 

She had robbed every High Lord and Lady of Prythian at least once and had a hobby of fucking over anyone in power. 

Logically she should have been put in the dirt a long time ago. It was only by brilliant planning and dumb luck that she had made it twenty years on this plane of existence. 

But as she stared down the barrel of a raging army that nearly tripled their own... Loki couldn't help but feel the presence of her familiar friend, death. 

Death had always been a part of Loki's life, she had watched many people die and killed even more herself. Hell, her father was a death god, there was never going to be a normal day in Loki's life. 

They were practically surrounded as they met up with the Illyrians and dark bringers. The crows shifted slightly as they recognized the place they were in. 

"Inej... take the crows home," Loki ordered without looking at them. 

Before they could protest, Inej followed orders and winnowed them back to Ketterdam. She returned a second later and stood by Loki's side. 

"I meant all the crows, wraith... this ain't a fight for you." Loki turned slightly to look at Inej's scowl. 

"I'm your right hand. I will live and die at your side, Loki." Inej said sternly as she made sure all the straps of her Illyrian leathers were fastened correctly. 

Loki didn't outwardly express her gratitude, but the fact she didn't chastise Inej for disobeying orders spoke volumes more than her words would. 

Loki moved to stand next to Nyx and Rhysand, "I'm assuming you have a plan?" Rhys asked. 

"I have parts of a plan and a shit ton of dumb luck." Loki's gloved hand slipped into Nyx's as he held her tight. 

"And what is this plan." 

"We are going to bluff our asses off... Follow my lead." Loki spoke allowing her power to stretch out over the opposing army. 

Bloodlust and a promised death, that is the feeling Loki Brekker broadcasted across the opposing side. 

Nyx and Rhysand followed her lead, releasing their own power. 

The bright blue sky suddenly became pitch black as day turned to unending night. 

Loki closed her eyes, focusing on unscrewing that cap of her power just a little bit. Just enough to give the effect she wanted. 

She told Rhysand to hold the armies. No one moved a muscle as Loki, confidently stepped out, pulling Nyx with her. 

"Remember the court of Nightmares? ... Let's play Nyx." Loki allowed her face to turn to stone as he put on a cocky grin, "Inej! Tell Rhysand about plan anglerfish." 

"No mourners!" Loki called out.

Everyone who knew the saying responded accordingly, "No funerals!" 

Arm in arm, Nyx and Loki casually walked in the space between the two armies. Loki noticed immediately that the King of Xesha was not among them. They were led by a general instead who matched the arrogant couple's pace and met them in the middle. 

"Well hello, prey!" Nyx crooned as he looked across the front line of Xesha warriors. 

Loki unscrewed her power just a bit more, her eyes turning that familiar black, terrifying the soldiers.

With the snap of her fingers, a large crack broke through the rocky ground in front of them that stretched from one end of the battlefield to the other. The crack wasn't deep, but it was very visible, like a scar on the face of the earth. 

"We've come to issue a warning... Any who dares step over this line will die a most gruesome death... We shall spare those of you who decide you value your lives and return to Xesha... We've been rebranding you see, trying to be more merciful and all that... So we offer you a choice. Turn back, or die." Loki's voice boomed, echoing through the entire Valley. 

Every soldier heard her words. 

Some glared at her, some at the front line, took her offer, and escaped by winnowing. 

"How very desperate of you... We outnumber you four to one... Numbers win battles."  The general spat stepping closer to the line. 

A cruel smile, that made the general stop in his tracks, spread across Loki's ruby-painted lips. "No, darling... Power wins battles." With that Nyx and Loki poured all of their power into the air. 

Like two peacocks showing their feathers, they smiled wickedly as their power tared the air with death. 

"Please, by all means... Cross the line." Nyx mocked as he did an over-exaggerated welcoming gesture, daring their army to cross. 

More winnowed away, terrified of the couple. 

The general unsheathed his sword running straight at the couple in rage. The second his foot crossed the line, Nyx snapped his fingers and the general became nothing but a mist of blood. 

The blood splattered across his face as he casually took out a handkerchief and wiped his cheek clean of the general's remains. 

The front line staggered back away from the Night Court heir and his mate. 

"Well, that was entirely anti-climactic... Anyone else?" Nyx asked sliding his hand into his pockets.

A few brave members of the front line charged at them together and this time it was Loki's turn. 

She didn't move, didn't flinch. She just allowed that death got power writhing within her loose. The second each soldier stepped over the line, blood poured from their eyes and nose. There was a symphony of screams of agony before utter silence as they dropped dead.

All eyes were on the two biggest threats. 

Here's the thing about angler fish... They draw prey in with one small luminescent orb. One point captured the prey's complete attention, distracting from the real threat that lurks right behind. 

As the armies were too focused on the flashy couple, they failed to recognize that half of Rhys' army had moved behind them. They had been utterly boxed in and they had no idea.

In a split second, power exploded from the couple, acting as the signal. 

On one side an Heir to the Night court and a demigoddess of death, on the other a raging army of Illyrians and darkbringers. 

Entire legions were wiped out in seconds and the first battle began and ended rather quickly. 

It ended in a complete slaughter of the Xesha army and an undeniable victory for the night court. Blood stained the valley red as all members of the night court witnessed its future immerge. 

Two cunning and ruthless leaders immerged from the carnage, covered in blood and bathed in Night. 

The future High Lord and Lady of the Night court had just declared themselves as threats to not only the Night Court but the entire world. 

Nyx Archeron and Loki Brekker were two monsters that leveled an army three times the size of their own, and they walked completely relaxed as if it was as casual as a stroll in the park. 

Several of the Illyrians and Darkbringers bowed their heads or took a knee as the couple walked by them, a sign of respect for what they would become. 

The first battle had ended. 

But the war had just begun. 

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