Chapter 32

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"I need your help." Nyx spat breathlessly as he shook Finch awake. 

Finch shot up, still partially asleep from the abrupt interruption of his dreams about Inej. "W-What?!? I'm up!" 

"Get your leathers on! We gotta go to the spring court!" 

That woke Finch up a little more, "The spring court? Why the fuck do we need to do to the spring court?" 

"The house showed me the answer!!! There is a flower there, The Epiphyllum oxypetalum. One that is used to stop all physical pain until you take the antidote. If I make the potion right, I can accept the bond without dying. Then Loki will get better!" Nyx was throwing Finch his leathers. 

"Ya but what about the mental torture? You'd still have to endure that. It could drive you insane." Finch groggily said as he began fastening his armor.

"I'm a daemati, it should be fine."

"Should be? I don't like the vagueness of should be."

"MY MATE IS DYING, FINCH! My mate is dying and no one seems to really care, not even her!"

Finch halted all movement, looking up at his cousin that was falling apart in front of his eyes. He had seen the effect this was having on Nyx and he was ashamed to say he stood with the majority in choosing Nyx's life over Loki's. 

But Nyx was losing it. His mate was dying and he was all too aware that everyone would choose to let her if the risk was too great. His father would be the one to kill her, forced by a bargain SHE MADE! He was watching her wither and hurt and it was driving him madder than any agony the after-effects would cause.

He needed there to be a chance. He needed to know he could save her because the powerlessness he felt was crippling. 

"Fine... Guess we're going to spring." Finch grumbled as they walked out to the landing pad and took off into the sky towards Tamlin's territory. 

They arrived in the spring court at night. The breeze shifted through the lively greenery. Finch itched at his skin, the pollen working quickly to make the intruders utterly miserable. 

"I fucking hate spring." 

"Quit whining you Illyrian baby."

"You do realize your part Illyrian yourself."

"One quarter, that barely counts." 

"Well, I'm only half."

"This is not what we should be focused on."

"I'm just saying, I'm only half Illyrian. Why are you getting all touchy." 

"Finch, just find the flower."

"BITCH HOW?!?! Find the flower. We're in the Spring Court, Nyx... all there is, is flowers! I don't even know what we're looking for. Middle of the damn night, Find the flower. I can't see shit, now I'm looking for one single flower in the court of flowers and pollen. Why is there so much pollen? I itch everywhere. And I mean every-"


"Quit yelling at me!"

Nyx rolled his eyes sending a mental image of the flower into his head. "That's the epidopy peleleo?... It's kinda ugly for a flower."

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