Chapter 25

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Those who knew of Loki Brekker feared her. She was ruthless, she was daring and arrogant enough to be unpredictable and dangerous. But the thing that truly made Loki Brekker a greater threat than most, was her cunning.

Nyx wasn't entirely sure if she truly planned her heists or just came up with a vague outline of her ingenious strategy and went with it.

None of the crows saw the full picture of her plan until it was already done.

As they entered the lowlife inn that smelled of old liquor and sweat, Nyx couldn't help but think through the events of the day.

He had heard tales of his parent's adventures. Of challenging the weaver for a wedding ring, of stealing the book of breathing from the summer court, of his mother infiltrating and laying waste to the spring court.

But he had never done anything like this himself, and he had never heard of an adventure going so smoothly.

No fatal injuries, no blood rubies, nothing.

The Grail was with Finch and Inej on their way back to the Night Court. Nyx watched Loki's eyes light up with mischief when they sent the mates off on their own. They hadn't told anyone but he wouldn't be surprised if Loki Brekker knew exactly how Finch felt for her shadow singer.

He didn't know why he and Loki were still in Xesha's capital, what they were waiting for. But he had learned in the past 24 hours just to trust she knows what she is doing.

Loki walked up to the man behind the front counter with the swagger of a crime lord. The man straightened on his stool, even without knowing who she was. "H-How can I help you?"

"Well take a room with two beds." Loki's voice was monotone and cold. Gone was the mischievous trickster who joked around with her friends, there stood Loki Brekker Queen of thieves.

"We only have one bed per room here. I c-can get you two rooms if you'd like." The man began sweating profusely as she didn't answer right away.

"No, we'll just take the one room then."

Nyx almost passed out. Sharing a room... a BED with Loki. Loki who he has barely been able to contain his burning desire for. Loki who he would get on his knees for even a glance of her attention. His Mate... was gonna share a bed with him.

He tried to calm himself as he followed Loki up the unlit stairs to a shabby room with one bed on the wall.

"Sleep while you can, by sundown we have shit to do," Loki said as she pulled the blinds closed, blocking out the bright morning sun.

"Trying rather hard to get me into bed with you, Loki Darling." Nyx jested taking off his boots.

"Shut up before I break that pretty face of yours." Loki spat.

"You think I'm pretty?"

"Keep talking, I will cut off your balls and make you wear them as a necklace."

Loki pulled the maids dress over her head leaving her in a black tank top and the baggy pants she stole from the street vendors. There was nothing particularly sexy about the look, but Nyx found himself unable to look away as he too took off the butler's uniform.

She ignored him falling into a deep sleep the moment she laid down.

As she slept, the glamour she had placed on herself faded. He saw the lines of their bargain tattoo up her arm, the dark lines of her bargain with his father, he saw the crow tattoo on her forearm, and he saw scars. So many scars, some small and white, some deep and jagged alone in her arms.

A Court of Thrones and Thieves (ACOTAR FANFIC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin