Chapter 34

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"It will work, Loki... I had Amren check over it. She, Madja, and Mor all worked on the potion. I swear to you it will work. I just need you to trust me." Nyx was practically begging as Loki looked down at him with her flightless black eyes.

She could feel herself dying. Madja had a theory that because she was not fighting the progression, the aggression turned to a faster pace of physical symptoms.

Loki was dying and she knew it.

Loki Brekker had wanted to die for a long while. Death was a good friend that sometimes showed up, sometimes Loki invited it herself.

But now staring the reaper in the face, it was hard to accept. She wanted to live for Nyx, she did, but not at the risk of his life.

Now here he was offering an escape and she couldn't help but not trust it.

The man back in Xesha told her that one day she would get what she deserved.

And CAULDRON she prayed that she didn't deserve to watch her mate die by her own hand. But she had taken many people's mates, many's parents, friends, siblings, and lovers. She was dirty hands Brekker, her hands were stained with blood from the battle to satiate her own greed.

She knew she deserved death and worse.

But Nyx didn't.

Nyx was everything good and right in the world. If the mother allowed Loki Brekker to live while Nyx died then the world was truly an unjust place.

"Please..." Nyx whispered filling the space between them like a prayer. She heard the agony in his voice. The begged to let him help, to let him save her.

But she wasn't even sure she deserved to be saved.

"I need you to swear to me on my life. That there is a 100% chance this will ensure your safety." Loki grabbed his jaw harshly, forcing him closer to her face.

"I swear to the cauldron, Loki, I will feel no physical pain at all if you accept the mating bond with the help of this potion." The hope in Nyx's voice was palpable as he neared her willingly. Their noses brushed and his hands slid slowly onto her hips.

She didn't deserve it.

She knew damn well she didn't.

But she wanted it.

And greed has always been Loki Brekker's god.

"Okay." She whispered.

That's all she needed to say as Nyx picked her up into his arms and flew out of the house of Winds.

He took to the sky until he was far enough to Winnow. The moment they were out of the rage of the wards Loki felt the pull of time and space around him as he winnowed away with her.

He landed softly still holding her weak body in his arms as entered a small mountain cabin.

After entering Loki looked at the walls. Murals were painted everywhere. The eyes of the Night court staring down at her, a scene of Rhysand, Azriel, and Cassian in a snowball fight, a landscape of Star fall in Velaris. All painted by Feyre and Nyx over the years.

The cabin was warm, it was clean and cozy and home-like. She loved it.

Nyx gingerly placed Loki on her feet in the kitchen, making sure she was stable before sitting back at the dining table, waiting.

Loki knew that the moment she officially accepted the bond, she would be at full strength again. She just prayed that she could contain herself enough not to destroy the lovely cabin.

As if her body knew what she was about to do, she felt herself grow stronger, or at least strong enough to move about the kitchen without collapsing.

She looked in the cabinets and not much was there.

"Nothing to fancy," Nyx muttered as he watched her every movement.

"Oh? and why is that?" Loki asked with her back facing him as she concealed the growing smirk on her face.

"Takes too long."

"Well darling, if you can't last long enough to wait for something decent. It does not speak well for activities that may follow afterward." Loki spoke in a low sultry growl, allowing the rasp of her voice to become more pronounced.

A growl came from Nyx's direction, "You cruel, beautiful goddess...I can assure you, sweetheart, I never fail to perform in the area of pleasure."

Loki intentionally moved agonizingly slowly.

Chicken dumpling soup.

A classic that they had made often when she was on kitchen duty at the orphanage.

"Ahhh... so you perform often then?" Loki asked looking at him over her shoulder with raised eyebrows.

"Enough to know how to fuck you well enough that the only word you'll know is my name." Chills crawled across Loki's skin as she worked slightly faster.

"And what of you, Loki Darling?" Nyx crooned, but the edge of jealousy was hidden carefully there.

"You know it could be considered rude to ask a lady how many people she has fucked," Loki asked casually.

He stayed silent as she turned to look at him. She wanted to see his face with the next honey-soaked words dripped from her lips, "None."

She watched mischievously as Nyx's back visibly straightened and his grip on the table became harsher.

"What?" His voice was low almost like he was growling out the words.

She abandoned the food walking slowly towards him, she leaned in so that she was grabbing the back of his chair, so close that their noses were brushing.

Nyx moved to touch her but she stopped him, not moving from her position, "Don't touch... Not yet."

He didn't.

He lowered his arms, the veins in his forearms popping out at his strong grip on the chair.

"What do you mean by that, Loki darling?" His voice was strained and hoarse.

She lowered her head allowing her cheek to slide against his as she whispered into his ear, "You were the first and only person who was able to touch me. Everyone else felt like bugs crawling on my skin making me sick at the thought... But you... You make my senses come alive, Nyx."

She pulled back before he could turn to kiss her. Strutting back towards the unfinished meal.

"Cruel, beautiful thing," Nyx whispered as he watched her prepare the meal that should not be taking this long.

Why not make a sandwich? Or pass him a cauldron damned cookie? Hell, he hates asparagus but he would eat a plate full of it if it meant she was his.

"What is it you want to do to me after you eat?" Loki's voice was a tone he had never heard from her before. Fuck, she had never used it before.

Nyx gulped trying to contain himself, " After I'm done eating the slowest cooking meal on the fucking planet... I am going to walk you to that back bedroom. I am going to lay you on the bed and worship you in every way you deserve... After that... After I show you what making love is... After you experience it for the first time soft and loving, like the binding of two souls... then I will fuck you on every surface in this cabin. I will make you scream my name until it's the only fucking word you know. I will hear what vulgar sounds those pretty, pouty lips can make... I will fuck you hard, I will make love to you slowly, softly, I will make you come alive in ways you have never experienced and will experience with anyone else. And at the end of it... I will tell you how much I love you... then I will continue to love you until the day I die."

Loki walked back to him and placed the steaming hot bowl of chicken dumpling soup on the table.

"Then eat up... Seems we have a long life ahead of us."


A Court of Thrones and Thieves (ACOTAR FANFIC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя