Chapter 19

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"Saints, Loki, you actually look happy."

"Don't be ridiculous," she snapped. But there was no mistaking it. Loki Brekker was grinning like an idiot. She had just watched as her crows pummeled the most powerful court in prythian and now the High Lord owes her any favor.

They all sat enjoying lunch together. 

Though none of the crows wanted to admit it, they were enjoying their time in the Night Court. It scared Loki slightly. 

The conversation was rather normal until the High Lord got on the topic of Xesha, "Have you heard anything of Xesha's movements? They are just North of Hybern so I would assume you would find them more a threat."

"No one invades Hybern. One because it is suicide and two because there is nothing to gain. I do not trouble myself with politics so unless it is a direct threat to me or my crows I don't particularly care." Loki responded coldly.

Of course, that was not the complete truth, Loki had been paying close attention to what was happening in Xesha, worried they would cut through Hybern to get to Prythian.

"They did get that magic Holy Grail," Inej added in.

"What Holy Grail?" Azriel asked. All attention snapped to Inej. 

The shadow singer looked to her boss for permission to tell the information she knew. With an affirmative nod from Loki, Inej explains. "The Holy Grail is a product of nature. It is a cup that if you drink from it and you have the true heart of a warrior, you become truly immortal, indestructible. Though you are given a weakness. The difficulty is, that the weakness could be anything, it could be totally obscure, and it is different for everyone. One's weakness could be mistletoe while another is a weak spot on the heel of their foot."

"And they have this Grail?" Feyre asked, worry seeping into her voice.

"They stole it a few days ago from Prythian, the only person to use it as of yet is the King of Xesha himself. They also stole a sword but it wasn't anything special, just a magical flaming sword." Inej said casually taking another bite of her food.

"We have to get it. They can not be allowed to use this grail on their armies, they'd be unstoppable." Rhys said looking at his court.

The crows stiffened, sensing a large payout.

"You know... We could always steal it back for you. For a price of course." Loki said a greedy look in her eye.

"What's your price Feyre asked?"

"...75 Million."


The crows rolled their eyes, knowing that whatever Loki was cooking up, was going to be exhausting for them. 

"How do you plan on stealing it from them?" Nyx asked.

Loki leaned back sending a slight smirk to her mate. "Crows. What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?"

"Knife to the throat?" asked Inej.

"Gun to the back?" said Jesper.

"Poison in his cup?" suggested Nina.

"You're all horrible," said Matthias.

Loki chuckled darkly at her family, "The easiest way to steal a man's wallet is to tell him you're going to steal his watch. You take his attention and direct it where you want it to go."

A look of understanding came across the crows. 

"Inej. I need a rumor to get to the King of Xesha that the Night Court is planning on stealing that flaming sword of theirs. Make sure that it is clear no one has any idea about the grail. For now, we need information on both Xesha and the Grail." Loki ordered.

"Where are we to get said information?" Rhys asked.

"For Xesha, Nina and Wylen will do to the Day court. There should be a book in their libraries. I'll glamour you to look like maids. Use the same way we got in last time... Don't get fucking caught." Loki said pointing at Nina and Wylen who nodded. 

"Why can't we just ask for access?" Feyre asked.

"Oh... I forgot we are workin' with the good guys for once. If he'll agree, sure. But remember we don't bargain for what we can take, so you better be sure Hellion is feelin' generous." Loki said.

"He'll help," Rhys responded definitely. 

Loki nodded, "Fine easier for us. Still, Wylen and Nina, since I'm pretty sure they're the only crows who know how to read."


"Next up we need information on the Grail. That would be in the last place it was housed..." Loki said.

"...And where was it last housed?" Jesper asked, worried about the response. 

Loki didn't answer, only sending them a mocking smirk, but that was all they needed to recognize which court it was. A collective groan erupted from the crows. 

"What? Which court is it?" Finch asked, confused by their response. 

"The fucking Spring Court." Jesper threw his head back in annoyance.

They all held up their cups in mock salute and in perfect unison, all the crows announced, "Anywhere is better than the Spring Court."

The night court laughed at the dramatic display.

"What's so bad about spring?" Mor asked. 

"Nowhere to hide except trees," Inej said.

"No one to interrogate cordially," said Matthias.

"Pollen" Jesper growled.

"Pastels," Nina added.

"And worst of all..." Loki started.

"THE FUCKING HIGH LORD!" The crows said in unison. 

"At least the Autumn Court High Lord knows he's a dick. The High Lords of spring always have this holier than thou shtick. Like they honestly believe everything they do is justified and right! They don't negotiate, they leave their people to fucking rot! Ugh, Spring is the WORST." Nina dramatically explained. 

"Careful Nina, High Lord Tamlin is Lady Feyre's ex-lover," Inej warned.

"Even better she probably understands."

The Night Court had grown highly amused by the Ketterdam crew. They began to enjoy listening to their banter and teasing remarks. 

"Our hopes rest with you, Miss Brekker. If you fail, a lot of people will suffer for it." Rhysand said looking Loki in the eyes. 

"Oh, it's worse than that, High Lord. If I fail, I don't get paid."


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