Chapter 13

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Faster! Gotta run faster!

Blood covered Loki's clothes and dripped down her face, though none of it was hers. 

She wanted to try it. That power that dwelled within her that she inherited from a death god. No wonder glamour and breaking warding had always come easily to Loki. 

Because twenty-four hours ago she learned she was the daughter of a death god. A creature of nightmares, like father like daughter she supposed. 

She wanted to use that darkness that she had spent her whole life suppressing. She wanted to know what it was like. 

So she used it on a solo mission. 

And Cauldron she was terrified. 

She was supposed to go in and discretely kill a politician who wanted to make Hybern a kingdom again. 

She planned to just unscrew the cap of her darkness... Just to see how it felt.

Apparently unscrewing the lid sent her into a blood-thirsty hunt where she slaughtered that man's entire family and guards with her bare hands! 

Now she was running full speed away from the scene. A lot faster than she could before. She had snapped out of her bloodthirsty when she caught a look of herself in the reflection of a window.

Her eyes were entirely black and dark black veins appeared on her face. She looked like a true monster. 

Now she ran at full speed trying to escape what she'd done. 

She came here to distract herself from her Mate, not resolidify why she was a monster not worthy to breathe the same air as him. 

Nyx... son of Heros, child of night, heir to the throne of the Night Court. 

And her... Daughter of a death god, a monster in her own right, a villain. 

The mother truly didn't think that pairing through well enough. 

So she ran, ran from the evil inside of her, ran from the possibility of loving someone, ran from the idea of happiness.

Because Loki Brekker knew she was poison, knew she was a monster. She just hated being reminded. 


"This is as far as I can take you. The boss ordered me not to interfere with this mission until called on and I'm already breaking her orders for you." Inej said darkly as she took a step back. 

Inej was cold and calculating. She was quiet and dark as the shadows that surrounded her. She actually reminded Nyx a lot of his uncle Azriel.

"I'll be fine. I can feel her through the bond." Nyx said, not waiting for a response as he took off. 

He had been running for a few minutes when he stopped. 

The quiet of the woods was unnatural. It set his every instinct on edge. Too quiet.

Before Nyx could think about it anymore the whistle of a loosed arrow filled his ears as scorching pain shot through his right shoulder. 

Another whistle and he felt the same pain in his left leg. 

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