Chapter 21

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Loki stood in the revealing red silks along with Nina and Inej. Dressed in the uniform of the Sangrava Dancers, a revealing bikini top with golden embroidery and a flowing silk skirt with giant slits up both sides, leaving nothing to the imagination. 

For now, Loki was still able to wear her gloves but when they entered she would need to stand in a strange place, without her armor. 

"We look sexy as fuck... I'm sure your Prince will enjoy seeing you in this." Nina teased as she finished applying the red lipstick. 

Loki didn't respond, too busy solidifying the glamour on each of them to cover their scars and tattoos. 

"Oh yes, Nina I'm sure her mate will be drooling at our smokin' leader." Inej joined in, trying her best not to burst into a fit of giggles. 

"And what of the General's son, Inej darling? I'm sure he'll be falling at your feet." Loki responded hiding her smirk.

"WHAT?!?!" Nina roared, snapping her head to Inej.

"What are you talking about, Loki?" Inej asked eyebrows scrunched in confusion. 

Loki just sent her a cheeky smirk, shrugging her shoulders noncomittally instead of responding. "NO! BREKKER, WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!" Nina shouted excitedly, practically shaking from her seat. 

Once again Loki did not respond instead walking out of the room, her comrades racing after her. 

They walked down the stairs and all eyes turned to them, drinking in their outfits. 

Loki looked to Nyx. 

He was a blushing mess. His fingers snapped the wood of the armrests of his chair, but he could not take his eyes off of her. 

The scent of his arousal flooded her senses, making it impossible to focus. She had to get back to business. Had to ignore the raging darkness in her mate's eyes that he was battling to hold back. Had to ignore how he had awakened every nerve in her body under his gaze.

She turned to Finch. He was in a similar state to Nyx, staring right at Inej. So, I was right. Loki thought as she looked at the drooling boy. 

She laughed as she noticed the Illyrian and the Valkerie generals both holding an arm of their son, trying to ground him before he jumped the girl. He looked ready to rip their arms off to get to her and Loki knew, Nina noticed too. 

"Right... Now, Night Court boys. For now, you will be acting as our owners. You are the only males we have that can act like rich High Fae pricks, you got the class and propriety that my crows don't. We enter through the entertainer's gate, I already had a guy make the papers for us. There is a party tonight, a celebration of the blood moon in the Xesha capital. That is our in." Loki spoke in her usual cold tone. 

"Nina, Inej, I hope you remember your menagerie training. You are gonna need it... Inej, If you aren't comfortable doing this you have to tell me now so I can come up with something else. This is the safest and easiest way in, but not the only way. So you gotta tell me the truth right now. Can. You. Do. This?" Loki looked right at Inej.

She knew of Inej's history and knew that this could bring back some bad memories. She needed to know that Inej would be 100% on board. 

"...I can do it, Boss." Inej finally answered after a long moment of silence. 

Loki nodded, she knew this would be hard but she needed Inej to have a choice. "Jesper, Matthias. You know your job. Do it well, with no mistakes... Wylen make sure they are ON TIME! If they are late we are fucked." 

Wylen, Jesper, and Matthais all nodded. 

They all stood, waiting for Loki. She pulled out her pocket watch from the small satchel around her wrist. 

"Keep to your times. Stay sober, I'm lookin' at you, Jesper. No side hustles, don't steal anything you are not supposed to and keep your noses clean. If you get caught, you are dead. Am I perfectly clear?" Loki said putting her watch back and looking at her group.

"Yes, Boss." The crows said in unison. All joking was put aside for the dangerous mission. 

"Good... No mourners." 

"No Funerals." This time even a few members of the night court joined in, in their good luck. 

The boys left first, leaving the townhouse to winnow to their positions. 

The girls turned to look at Nyx and Finch, who had calmed themselves enough to not level the sidra. 

With a wave of her hand, Loki placed a glamor on the boys as well. 

She hid their wings and Illyrian tattoos. She changed their features slightly, turning their blue eyes brown. 

"Ready?" Loki asked them, though her attention was solely on Nyx. 

He nodded, swallowing harshly, as he tried to keep his attention on her face. "One more rule for both of you." Loki began, bringing both boys' attention back to her. 

"We will be entering a place, where we are nothing but whores, objects. Men and women will look at us, try to touch us, and make vial comments about us. You. Must. Not. React. You must not be bothered in the slightest. You will let them stare and touch and speak to us like whores. You must be able to do that." Loki looked between the two. 

She watched as their jaws tightened and every muscle in their body clenched at the thought. She needed them prepared, just like Inej, she needed to be sure they would not make a scene when their mates were being lusted after by other males. 

She watched them hesitate, watched the hatred for the idea grow in their eyes, before the edge of fury dulled and resignation replaced it. 

"What you think us incapable of controlling ourselves. Have a little faith, Loki Darling." Nyx's arrogant voice broke the silence, but there was an obvious discomfort in his tone. As if he was desperately trying to hold back from lashing out. 

"Yes, and there is no room for faith on this suicide mission. I need assurance that BOTH of you won't become possessive male alpha-holes the moment we step into the gates of Xesha." Loki was dead serious.

This was a suicide mission, there was no room for faith. 

Finch and Nyx looked at her for a long moment, nodding, "We will control ourselves." Finch assured.

Nina was giddy, watching her two friends find their mates. She was entirely positive that Finch was Inej's mate, she had an eye for these types of things. It pissed her off that Loki clocked it first. Though Nina had been far too distracted by watching Nyx and her Boss interact to pay attention to the wildly handsome general's son or Inej. 

She knew damn sure that Inej wouldn't notice or do anything unless Finch explicitly said, 'I am your mate and I would like to be with you.' 

For people so smart, Loki and Inej drove her up a wall with their failure to understand romance. They could read people like the back of their hands and yet always failed to see when anyone had a crush on them, it was infuriating. 

Nina could smell the boy's arousal the moment they walked down the stairs. She felt like a Suriel, excited to watch the drama unfold, they just needed a little push. So she could not wait to see the jealousy that was sure to occur once they entered Xesha. 

"Nina, wipe that look off your face, we have work to do." Loki's sharp raspy voice brought her out of her thoughts. 

Knowing they could all Winnow, Loki looked at her watch again. 

"Alright let's go. No mourners." 

"No funerals."

And so it began.


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