Chapter Three : The Case of the Missing Lifeguard

Start from the beginning

"Ex boyfriend." She corrects, to which she looks down slightly. "Hey, don't worry about it, okay? He'll come crawling back for your forgiveness in no time." You say, rubbing her gently on the back. Max nods her head, laughing suddenly. You look over to her with a raised eyebrow.

"I can guarantee you that him and Lucas are wallowing in self pity and misery right now. Like, 'oh I hope they take us back!'" She says, mocking a crying winy voice. You all fall into senseless giggles at her attempt. "God! What I wouldn't give to see their stupid faces!" Max continues, El looking down as soon as she says that with a smile on her face.

"What is it?" She asks, a bit confused. "Holy shit." You say once you remember how El could find and see people. Max looks to both of you in confusion. "Guys?? What is it!!" She asks, but all you do is laugh as you get off the bed and over to the radio, tuning it until it got to a staticy channel.

"El can track people with her powers, she did it last year with Mike and Me. As well as with Will the year before." You explain, to which she looks to El in amazement. "Holy shit, El! That's amazing!" She says, the girl smiling over to her.

El gets off the bed, walking over to her closet before reaching into it, pulling a blindfold from its depths, walking over to the radio to sit in front of it. She wraps the blindfold around her head as you go to sit next to Max.

"Is this really gonna work??" Max questions to which El nods her head in confirmation. "Holy shit this is insane!"

"Max." You and El both say at the same time. "Yeah, quiet, sorry." She says, falling into silence. "I see them." El says after a second. You and Max immediately climb down the bed next to her on either side of her. "What are they doing?" Max asks.


"Of course." You say, not surprised in the least. "What are they saying?" You ask after a minute. "They say we are 'species.'"

"What?" Max asks. "'Emotion not logic.'" She continues. "What." You say, rolling your sleeves up, ready to kick some teenager ass. After a few minutes, El pulls her blindfold off. "Woah, what happened??" Max asks, to which El only smiles before bursting out into giggles.

"W-what???" You say in confusion as she falls to the floor in broken laughter. You and Max follow suit, her laughter being contagious. You suddenly hear a car pull up outside, and all three of you look to each other in worry. You immediately go to turn the radio to the station you were previously on before racing to the end of the bed where your stuff was located, pulling nail polish from the depths of your duffle bag. Max immediately goes to grab some of the comic books she got, and El rushes to put her blindfold away to avoid suspicion from her dad.

You get to work straight away, pulling Els hand into your own before opening the nail polish lid right as the door slammed open, making you all jump. "Do you knock??? Jeez!" Max exclaims from the floor. "Yeah! Jeez." El repeats.

"Oooohhhh hey... I'm sorry. I thought that uh-"

"Mikes not here." You answer for him, to which he looks over to you in surprise. "Max and Y/n wanted to have... A sleepover. Is that... Okay?" El asks, to which Hopper looks down to her in surprise. "Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your parents know about it?" He asks you and Max.


"Yup." You both answer, nodding your heads. "Uh, yeah, That's cool. Yeah. It's just- that's really cool." He responds, words a bit slurred making you believe that he was maybe just a tad bit intoxicated. "Did you need something?" Max asks after a few moments of awkward silence.

"No! No. I'll leave- I'll just let you- leave." He says, closing the door softly behind him. Once you were sure he was gone, you turn to El. "What color do you want? I've got yellow, black, blue, purple, red, and pink." You state, pulling out your nail polishes for her to look at.

Fly Me To The Moon (steve harrington x reader) (Under Hiatus, to be updated soonWhere stories live. Discover now