"what an interesting eye color"

Start from the beginning

"Let me show you!" The man says pulling Kakyoin's hair up lightly.

Jotaro and I let out a small gasp at a growth in Kakyoin's forehead. It was pink and had four little tentacles connect to his skull, it was moving as if it was alive.

"What is this? It looks like a spider or a piece of flesh!" Jotaro exclaims.

"The hell is that!" I say feeling some chills down my back.

"That meat is of Dio! A bud or a sprout of flesh in the boys brain," the man with the gold earrings explains.

"Then take it out," Jotaro says bluntly.

"You can't! It would rebel and thrash around in his brain leaving him worse then death!" The old man yells looking up at Jotaro.

"I'll use my stand then!" Jotaro says pulling his hand in front of himself.

"Jotaro!" Both of the men say staring at Jotaro who was now holding Kakyoin's head.

"Back off old man! If my stand can catch a bullet in mid flight how hard could this be?" Jotaro says as the purple guy clasps the weird growth.

"Even a skilled surgeon can't remove that Jotaro! It's alive!" the old man says yelling at Jotaro.

"Wait a second old man can't you see how still Jotaro is?" I say bringing their attention to me.

The growths tentacle goes into Jotaro's hand but he doesn't flinch or move the slightest. Same with the purple guy being still as ever.

 "This is bad Jojo! It's in your arm!" The dark skinned man explains pointing to Jotaro's hand.

"See, as I said before Jotaro hasn't flinched or moved at all, trust the guy." I say pointing at Jotaro's calm posture.

Kakyoin's eyes flash open and stare at Jotaro in shock and fear.

" Don't move Kakyoin, one mistake and your brain is fried," Jotaro says as a little sweat forms on Kakyoin's forehead.

The tentacle moves up through Jotaro's arm and into his neck. I wince at the sight as more chills go down my neck.

"Jotaro it reached your neck you must let go!" The dark skinned man says worriedly.

"Wait my son is impressive! His stand hasn't shaken a bit!" The old man says holding an arm in front of the other man.

He looks at me and smiles a little then looks back at Jotaro. Jotaro finally pulls the flesh bud out and rips it apart with the purple man. Upon impact it flies in my direction.

"I think the fuck not!" I yell out swinging my bat downwards and crushing it on the floor.

"Wait you can't just hit it like that!" The old mans says approaching my direction.

I let out some Hamon in my bat effectively disintegrating the bud. The bud makes a weird noise before it turns to dust.

"OH MY GOD! Did you just use Hamon!?" The old man asks holding my shoulders and shaking me lightly.

"Uh how do you know that?" I say looking back at the tall muscular old man.

"Because I too use Hamon!" The man says staring into my eyes.

The mans eyes were the same blue color that Jotaro had, they must be related.

"What your name young lady!" The man says letting my shoulders go and standing up.

He extends his hand out too me and I take it and stand up holding my bat by my hip.

"The names Y/N pleasure to meet ya," I said holding my hand out for him to shake.

"I'm Joseph Joestar, and this is Muhammad Avdol," He says as the other man gives a small wave.

"Wha.." Kakyoin says sitting up a bit and holding his head.

"Hey, Kakyoin!" I say walking over to the red head.

"Who are you people and why did you save me?" He says looking around the room.

He looks at Jotaro as Jotaro turns his back to look away from him.

"I don't really have an answer for that.." Jotaro breathes out.

"Did I attack you?" He says looking at me and Jotaro.

"Yeah.." I say scratching the back of my neck and shifting the weight on my feet.

"But it's cool you were just being controlled," I say sitting by his spot.

"I can't believe I was controlled by that man..." he pauses looking down at my bat, " I feel disgusted with myself."

He looks down at his legs and plays with his uniforms button.

"Yo its cool man! If anything I had lots of fun fighting you... its not like we didn't mess you up pretty badly anyways." I say before pointing at Jotaro.

"And that guy, he may seem grumpy and stuff, but I can totally tell that he's a mega softie!" I say grinning at Kakyoin.

Kakyoin smiles and chuckles at my words.

"Um... I forgot to ask, what's your name?" Kakyoin says shifting towards me.

"OH! Shit yeah... I'm Y/N but you can call me whatever you want," I say laughing a little.

"That's a pretty name... I'd like to reintroduce myself, I'm Kakyoin Noriaki," He says as his violet eyes stare into mine.

"What an interesting eye color..." I think before grinning evilly.

"Hey when your feeling better, we should totally hang out sometime," I say picking up both of his hands.

"Sure," Kakyoin replies smiling a little.

Jotaro looks at the both of us before covering his hat with his face and walking away.

"I think we should invite that guy too... he's an interesting one!" I say smiling again.

"Yare Yare..." a certain raven haired man says smiling a little.

Candy Land (Stardust Crusaders x reader)Where stories live. Discover now