CXIII: Epilogue - Namaarie!

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Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters or settings from Lord of the Rings or Xena the Warrior Princess

Author's Note:

A few words you should read before reading this chapter. I believe our story had come to an end and I wished today to write the epilogue of this long journey. This Fanfiction is completed, but you should know that I will post bonus chapters along the way. It will not happen very frequently but I have many things to add to this story. And of course, I will edit and have a better version out there for you all.

Here is the last chapter, and I have to thank every one of you who stayed along the way, thank you for reading this Fanfiction and thank you for the support. (And yes I have not named Legolas and Xena's son yet, that will happen in a bonus chapter.

This is a LegoRomance (slow-burn)

Ithilien, First year of the Fourth Age (FA), December 31st

The first year of the FA was the longest that the surviving fellowship members could remember, particularly Legolas and Xena. They saw the birth of their second child, Aragorn and Arwen's first son, Éowyn's pregnancy, Éomer's wife's recent delivery of a child, and the pregnancy of Sam's wife Rose. It was as though the fear of war no longer accompanied them, but the threat of children did.

The future seemed to include tales of their children growing up and forcing their parents to deal with tumultuous situations. The new period abolished the old disputes and introduced new, more ridiculous and sad concerns. Evil had not been completely eradicated from Middle-earth, but it was no longer as prevalent as it had been in past millennia, and now peace and creativity were gradually making their way there.

Because it was their time to live, raise a family, and travel Middle-earth, every one of our cherished characters would have a narrative to tell and an adventure to unravel. It would be little, unimportant things, but enough to make each day unique. Gimli's experience occurred when he travelled alone through Mirkwood and unexpectedly fell in love. Tauriel once believed she would never find love again, but she has found love and even started a family with a son.

The story of Eleyeen, who grew up to be a very ladylike elfin princess who enjoyed reading and archery. The daughter of Legolas and Xena had become a scholar while possessing formidable combat talents. She had shown an early fondness for books and the tales, information, and history they contained. She was fortunate in that she had access to three of the greatest libraries known to the elf race. Imladris, Lothlórien, and Mirkwood, and she would spend most of her life collecting duplicates of whatever book she could discover.

She has amassed a great collection of rare books in Ithilien, where she has been storing them for decades, awaiting the appropriate moment to utilise them. The truth is that her parents were concerned about her since she did nothing except gather and read books. She only travelled to collect books, and her whole existence revolved around books.

Even the experiences of the unnamed son of Xena and Legolas, who had his own adventures in Middle-earth and added to Thranduil's concerns, were an issue of frustration. Due to his family, Thranduil was his favourite person. Whenever he spent time in Mirkwood, he played so many pranks that he drove the majority of the elves away before their time. This almost drove the Elvenking insane.

Xena, Legolas, and Gimli lived in Middle Earth for 120 years, and following the deaths of Elessar and Arwen, they set out for fresh adventures. During the 120 years they lived in Middle-earth, they had many adventures and were the subject of several legends. The most peculiar aspect was that they had eleven children. The number was unusual even by human standards. However, it seemed like Prince Legolas and his partner were rather occupied in their bedroom.

She awoke to the steady patter of snowflakes on the forest floor, drops that had yet to scatter the sun's first rays. The music was a peaceful symphony and a natural lullaby that calmed the mind. Her focus was on Legolas, who was asleep next to her. On his back, his long golden hair was unkempt and without braids or a crown. She raised her arm and allowed it to come into contact with his, as her fingers gently parted his hair to show his handsome face.

'As dazzling as ever,' she thought with an enthusiastic grin on her face. Because she was suddenly aware. His stunning appearance paled in contrast to his brilliant personality and an obstinate heart. Although proud and powerful like his father, he was unlike in other respects. She was kind in ways she herself could never be. Fair and receptive to the new and unfamiliar. However, what she liked most about him was his affection. Legolas loved without condition. He was her support and her family; he was her everything. She grinned and leaned in to delicately kiss him.

Next to them, slept their two children. She pulled out and covered them. Last night, they fell asleep close to them. The whole evening was spent playing and conversing. With the was now gone and their children at their sides, Legolas and Xena did not want the night to end. They converse ceaselessly about anything and everything. Both parents were able to spend sufficient time with their children. The whole group fell asleep around daybreak.

Xena was the first to awaken at this time. She stayed in the centre of the bed, observing her family. She was on the verge of losing everyone. Thankfully, Valar was once again by their side. There they were, all healthy and living. She recalled the first day she arrived in Middle-earth and how she thought it was a desolate region. The picture of his towering form standing in the open space outside her bedroom in Imladris is etched in her mind. She did not comprehend it at the time, but now she knew that it was fated.

Legolas did not sleep that night since he was enjoying the company of his family; nonetheless, his night may have been gloomy because the elf had not entirely healed. He would have dreams about his mother's death, and Xena would find him in his sleep sobbing. It was a rare occurrence for her to be surrounded by Legolas while he remained silent. Both of them carried wounds and gloom; they had not yet fully recovered. Even though they were able to endure their anguish, they had each other for support on the days when it got intolerable.

Eventually, it was determined that they would leave Middle-earth, but they would remain as long as their friends and children stayed. Both Legolas and Xena have this trait; they cared about their friends and kin. Their love was profound and unconditional. As the years went by, their love grew stronger, to the point that neither Legolas nor Xena could envision a world without the other.

A genuine love, a genuine partner, and a genuine loving relationship would provide fresh strength and inner calm. When one falls into despair and darkness, love will be there to provide assistance or just be there, which may be enough. It did not indicate that some days were filled with delight and others with misery. There were both sad and memorable recollections.

However, as long as they were together, there was nothing that could stop them!


'Namaarie!' = = Farewell!

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