CXII: Years to Remember

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Ithilien, First year of the Fourth Age (FA), December 1st

In the candle-lit room stood family and friends, each one ready to make a pledge to how they would help this baby girl their lifetimes. She was a precious gift of the Valar's light, a pure soul. When she cried they shed tears too, her cries were to be expected. This child freshly arrived from heaven; being further away from the Valar wasn't easy and it was their job to fill her with so much love that she could be happy on Middle Earth - safe and content in the knowledge that not only her parents, but her entire extended family loved her and watched over her. The baby was passed from person to person, each holding her, cuddling her, before carefully placing her into the arms of a trusted other. She was beautiful beyond measure, having everyone sharing genuine heartfelt emotions.

Soon arose one problem about the name of their second child and first daughter. Everyone had a suggestion of how what the babies should be called. Because it seemed their son was almost three years old and no one had found a suitable name for the baby. Everyone except the parents and their grandfather named him. Xena decided after a lot of thought to name the girl Eleyeen and formally she would be known as Eleyewn II. The baby girl was named after her grandmother Queen Eleyewn. It was her way to thank Thranduil and Legolas without having actually to say anything. Xena found a way to show how much she appreciated all the aid the Elvenking had given her. Thranduil was left speechless, as the name rang in his mind.

However, the Elvenking wasn't the only one taken aback by the baby's name; Legolas was as well. In moments such as this, Legolas experienced a level of love he never imagined was possible. The reason he loved Xena was that she was the most obstinate maiden he'd ever met. Even when pregnant and at home in Ithilien, she broke Legolas' nose several times when he attempted to be his typical smartass. Today, however, she not only delivered him a daughter, but she also named her after his mother. She could shatter his nose for as long as she wished.

Eleyeen had lost interest in the nighttime world; she had returned to one of her favourite pastimes, attempting to insert as many of her fingers as possible into the Elvenking's mouth. Thranduil grasped her hand gently and peeled it away. She chuckled and placed her other hand on his lips. Two could certainly play the game. Thranduil pulled her around to face her parents, and she protested by shaking her hands vigorously.

"Sleeping, children are so peaceful and less troublesome," Thranduil said, as he knew how difficult it was to raise a child. He had forgotten all the troubles that Legolas had brought to his halls, and now, whenever he was visiting and the pair left him in charge of his grandchildren, he wanted to run back to his halls and hide.

"Father, I believed you desired grandchildren and that you could not get enough of seeing them, even during the period when I did not know that I had a son," Legolas remarked, concealing part of his resentment against Thranduil for not telling him about Xena and their son.

"Today, were you not meant to leave me in charge of my grandchildren?" Thranduil fought back, allowing the infant to once again face him and smiling, "Take your wife and depart, we'll be fine!"

Eleyeen ceased complaining and found a new pastime, tangled her little hands in Thranduil's long hair and yanked on them. Legolas was certain that his father's hair had been tugged by his daughter, yet the Elvenking did not protest. His unnamed kid was sitting on Thrnaduil's long robe and chewing it as if he was enjoying playing and caring for the youngster.

"Legolas, we must go if we are to arrive on time," Xena said as she entered Eleyeen's bedroom to bid her and her son farewell before embarking on a short journey to the Glittering Caves. "we were scheduled to depart yesterday, but we have not yet done so."

"The dwarf will be alright," Thranduil murmured, glancing at Legolas before returning his attention to Xena. "How long will you let my son remain the dwarf's friend? They will ultimately have an affair, and you will be left alone."

Xena wrinkled her eyes as she performed the last check on their offspring and said, "Do you think your son is so exceptional that the dwarf would desire him or bed him?" Xena laughed while observing Legolas. "Believe me he would not!"

"Why not?" Legolas said, gaining their attention, "You both know I am charming, don't you?"

"Take him and depart immediately"! As Thranduil could not fathom his son and the dwarf becoming friends, he could not comprehend how Gimli and Aragorn became their closest companions. But it was no longer his concern; he and Nienna now had two grandchildren to care for. Because one individual could not care for them.

Xena said farewell and took Legolas by the arm, dragging him along with her. "Stop being so arrogant, or I will send you to bed with Gimli the next time we meet."

"That's a possibility," he chuckled, before turning around, lifting her up, and tossing her across his shoulders before carrying her into their bedroom and dropping her onto the bed. "However, we must ensure that I do not finish up with the desire to sleep with Gimli." As he crawled onto the bed, he began stealing kisses from Xena, teasing her as he did so.

Although aware that they were running late, the princess did not resist. They may have a brief rendezvous before leaving Ithilien to see a mutual friend. Even though the meeting was brief, they departed the next morning without speaking to anybody, even Thranduil. The duo was quite boisterous, and Thranduil was unable to sleep all night due to the new torment of hearing his son and his mate enjoy themselves in their bedroom.

Xena could not easily leave her children behind, nor could Legolas, but Gimli required their assistance with small groups of orcs that had appeared near his borders, so they rode off to assist their friend. They would confront most enemies and difficulties with honour and bravery, but this would not guarantee victory. Obviously, the majority of the battles were successful while some were not.

The Infinite Halls of the Glittering Caves were filled with the endless symphony of water tinkling into pools, as beautiful as Kheled-zaram in the moonlight. The news of the birth of Aragorn and Arwen's first son altered Legolas and Xena's plans, but they still enjoyed their time there. They ultimately travelled to Gondor to see the King and bless the birth of his first son.

Gimli was the only one without a partner or a child, and he was forced to see and listen to his companions talk often about their children. The once most lethal warriors were now standing in front of him and conversing about poop. And it was a lengthy one on how often a baby should burp and how the burps should appear. He eventually escaped and found a fantastic pub in the city, where he had a drink. Along the way, he encountered Éomer, who had also fled his wife while coping with troubles over children and pooping as well.

Raising children was not a simple endeavour, but why should Gimli be privy to all the unpleasant details? He acknowledged that he was pleased with his friends, but he would like to be happy if he knew less about the cuisine they eat and had pooped. Thus, the Fourth Age was discovered.

((Upcoming Chapter One-Hundred-Thirteen))

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