XXIV: Enslaved

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Outside Imladris, 3018 TA, October 28

Terrifying shouts and shrieks echoed along the passageways under the ruins, and the air was thick with fear of the goblins and orcs. The icy wind was biting the human's flesh, and she wasn't sure whether it was the wind itself or her response to what had transpired. There was no time to spare; they had to flee, she understood as soon as she awoke and realised they had been enslaved by the orcs.

The goblins were camping in a cave a few yards away from the ruins on its eastern side. An elf, a striving shining entity, was brought into the camp. He'd battled those beasts and caused them so much trouble that they had to soften him with blows to restrict his annoying power. The elf seemed infuriated, as he fought his way out from their clutches with unrelenting ferocity.

Xena was furious at their treatment of him, and she was resolved to destroy those heinous beasts once she escaped and rescued the elf. Because she was going to rescue him. For the time being, she was pressed up against a stone across from the orc camp.

While he was being guarded by the orcs, not much was spoken to him. They didn't have any cause to. Not after they had taken him and beaten him so badly that standing was difficult for him. For Legolas, the suffering was sheer misery; he had experienced a lot of pain during his existence, but it was nothing compared to what he was experiencing right now. The worst thing that could happen to an elf was to be enslaved by orcs. His father would be displeased if he found out about his son's failure.

The orcs, on the other hand, did not touch the human. For starters, she was out of her consciousness and not resisting, but even now, as she attempted to escape, the orcs were dismissing her. She tried to think positively, but she couldn't see how this would end well. Maybe it was intended to be the end for her. She pondered. She had been moaning about being alive ever since she landed in Middle-Earth. And now it's time. She was on the verge of death with the obnoxious elf.

"Secure him there over the pillar," Shagrat hissed, seeing his minion struggle to hold the struggling elf down.

Shagrat was the Captain of Cirith Ungol, and he led one of the most recent patrols in quest of the one ring. "We're carrying him back to the Tower of Cirith Ungol, so keep him alive! Don't let him down!"

Legolas survived the beating and all else the orcs threw at him, refusing to show weakness and disregarding his captors. The orcs found it exhausting since they couldn't simply handle the gleaming monster. Shagrat, on the other hand, was well aware of the elves' might, and the one they had just taken seemed to be significant. Xena sneered at them and had already begun to work on getting free from her restraints.

"Why aren't we killing it?" said one of the orcs. "It's pointless to keep it alive."

"I'm sure his flesh would be flavorful and juicy," another orc said, licking his lips and looking at the elf.

"Enough!" Shagrat shouted, "I said don't spoil it!"

"How about the human? We don't need her," a taller orc who had been staring at Xena since they had grabbed her question.

Shagrat hissed as he approached his companions. "You idiots, the master needs that one."

"But we could have fun with her," another evilly sneered while going in close and licking her cheek having her glare at it.

When Shagrat had had enough, he took his axe-forged sword and slashed through the orc's head, killing it instantly. "I said they shouldn't be spoilt!"

The orcs snarled and drew back, peering hungrily at the human. Xena stared at them but didn't say anything since she was more focused on untying herself while they were arguing. She shared a glance with the elf, but he didn't seem to notice her. It was as though sadness was still imprisoning him, and he hadn't yet recovered from the horses' deaths.

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