XVIII: The Banquet in Imladris - Part II

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Imladris, 3018 TA, October 25

The sky was aglow with stars, much as the newly turned Middle-Earth is aglow with light corn. It was the promise of life in the dark, a sensation of comfort emerging from the chill. It was a vastness that brought humility and an unending space that brought thankfulness for home's comfort. He himself was not entirely sure just what had happened. He'd ignored it. He was not interested in a story of a past life, a lost life. He let out a sigh, hoping that he would not dwell on things that did not matter.

As he moved away from the dinner table, like the majority of the guests, an unsettling feeling started to take hold of him. He disregarded the din and ended up heading onto the balcony next to the one where the human was standing. He leapt above the stone railing sitting down under the veiled night that was reigning above. Tonight the tale of the human's past left the prince of Mirkwood speechless.

If it were not for the seriousness of her words the elf would have suspected a prank. No, this was certainly no prank, no one would lie about losing a child. She had fought, loved and even had children. She had lost everything, died and now she was brought to Middle-Earth. No, this was consuming pain, and her heartache absolute. There had been no lie in her words, but why? Why would she prefer to stay dead, than wish to return to her world alive?

Her remarks tonight startled and perplexed Legolas. Indeed, she had piqued his interest this month with her surprising wild behaviour and proud demeanour. He'd never met a maiden who was as puzzled as she was. A maiden who can be both disrespectful and courageous. Legolas had never been as perplexed as he was now in all his centuries of life. But he was an elf, and as an elf, he had all the time he needed to barrage her with questions and learn more about her. For the time being, he leaned against the brick wall and listened to the human talking with Elrond.

Elrond went forward and stood beside the silent figure of the human. "Now at last the hour has come that you have wished for, Xena," he said gazing at the open star-filled sky "You will journey through many lands and become familiar with Middle- Earth."

The human raised her head and gazed at the Elf Lord of Imladris answering him back in a cold and steady tone "No, I don't. What I wanted is to return to my world and remain dead as I was. I didn't ask any of this."

"You got here without much adventure, without knowing the reason," he said calmly "in time you might get your answers. You came back here, and here you have been. You cannot return to your realm. Middle- Earth is a remarkable place altogether. Time doesn't seem to pass here: it just is. Take this journey, seek your answers, and perhaps the world will become more pleasant."

"You just need another warrior to secure that the ring will be destroyed," Xena responded dryly "It was not long ago you thought of me to be your enemy."

"You have done well to raise your doubts," said Elrond. "You will hear today all that you need in order to understand the purposes of my disbelieve. Except for my daughter, Imladris has never had female warriors, and there is no elleth who wishes to prepare for combat. Elleth may be trained and working on the Elvenking's guard in Mirkwood. There are just a handful of regions in the mortal world that train females."

"It was unusual in my world as well," agreed Xena turning in his direction "I am used to making men uncomfortable and I do not blame you for that. However, you denied me to leave or better you threatened me."

Elrond paused a while and sighed. "I recall my sons bringing me a wounded maiden covered in blood and reporting to me she battled a troop of orcs with bear hands. There have been many great captains and armies who have battled against the evil forces, and few would succeed in what you achieved. There was a chance you might work for the enemy, and still is. And since you are obstinate, Xena of Amphipolis, I had to threaten you in order to keep you safe."

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