CI: Déjà vu

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Minas Tirith, 3019 TA, June 22nd

Xena stood on ta great opening window, that offered her a great view of Minas Tirith and its gates. Lately, everything had happened too fast, too confusing, she was lost in her own mind, something was missing, and she knew what. At the wedding, she had noticed that Legolas was staring at her, but it was an unfamiliar stare as the first time that they had met. She was holding a metallic plate and eating some of the fruits, her curving became stronger lately, and she would end up wanting to eat something in the middle of the night. Now to speak about her anger.

The elf appeared as he levered himself effortlessly on the landing opening and rose full fight above her, as she shrank away afraid of how hard the plate hit him when she threw it away, in a small eruption of anger. Dumbstruck she gazed at him as he crouched catlike before and gave her plate back. "I believe this is yours!" Legolas told her while observing the tall woman that was dressed in armor and had her weapons with her. Errant breezes, the smell of damp earth combined with old fallen leaves. She breathed deeply, relaxing, refreshing, and instinctively calming her soul. Such a unique smell. It was a long time since she could become relaxed while sensing his scent.

"Thank you..." Xena answered and took the plate, "I am sure that Aragon might miss the plate."

Legolas did not respond he was waiting for an apology, the maiden had just thrown a plate, and it hit him, but she was not offering to ask him if he was alright. He studied her for a long time finding her somehow familiar and the same somehow foreign. She seemed to be reasonably confident herself and bold; showing up wearing armor in the King's Halls. Her gaze was filled with wonder and awe, it did not take long for her to get used to her surroundings.

Soon Legolas was ignored and the strange woman had turned his back on him and was once more spacing out watching the view that was offered freely to her. The son of Thranduil observed how different the woman was from the woman of the trial. There was something different to how she carried herself; she was confident and beautiful but not innocent. That woman in front of him had a scent of darkness inside her.

"Tell me your name," Legolas demanded with a deeper tone, prideful looking her straight in the eyes, waiting for an answer. Though his face remained impassive, and his body still gave nothing away. He already knew they called her Xena, and it was said she was the younger child of Elrond. And from her aura, he could acknowledge that she should be his daughter.

"How about you tell me yours?" Xena challenged him, revealing that she was annoyed by his behavior. Honestly, she wished she could have a reason to beat his sorry ass, who dared to forget her.

Legolas narrowed his gaze upon her, and he easily could drag the matter further. But it was foolish to start a show in front of all the elves and guests of the King If he was in Mirkwood, he could easily drag the matter further, but here he was only a guest. "I am Legolas from the Woodland Realm. But I believe you already know that were you accused of throwing me in the River" he scoffed.

Xena kept eye contact as she listened to him, revealing his name. Of course, she knew who he was, she knew more than anyone. He was the one she ended falling in love with, the father of her child, and now only a stranger. "I did!" she said seriously "I threw you into the river, and I would do it again!"

Legolas rose an eyebrow to her words, "Impossible. I am too heavy for you to carry!" Though he had to admire her wildness. Because no maiden would ever talk to him in such a way.

Before Legolas could look at her, she moved forward and slammed her head to his. Legolas exclaimed in surprise, his nose began to bleed, and Xena snatched him from his collar. "Do you believe me now?" she threatened closely "I have many skills elf!"

Legolas wiped the blood drops from his nose as he watched the human retreat into her chamber. He had fought many battles in his lifetime, but he was never assaulted on safe grounds. And by whom? A maiden, an elf maiden managed to nearly break his nose. Now that Xena had his undivided attention, Legolas would demand an explanation for her actions.

It was dawn when Legolas found himself on the training grounds for inspecting what new was built and maybe shout a few arrows to forget about the maiden who had captured his attention. To his amazement, he saw a tall feminine silhouette standing in from of the bow practicing grounds. Legolas came to a halt and shook his head, perplexed. He was used to encountering female elves who trained as troops of the Elvenking's guard in Mirkwood. However, in Gondor, he had not encountered any woman capable of using the arms to save Arwen and the maiden of Rohan. Maidens were usually observed at the training grounds to watch the males challenge one another in a display of strength.

The female was none other than Xena, she was a remarkable human being, more daring and powerful than any other maiden that Legolas knew. She perplexed the Mirkwood Prince to want to understand more about her. She had something so familiar that had lately drawn his attention. The elf studied her for a brief while "There is nothing for you to see here," Legolas murmured as he shifted his sight to the newly opened training field. "In the mornings, soldiers engage in duels."

"Don't flatter yourself, I am not here to watch a show of others fighting each other, " Xena said without moving from her previous position, however, she was surprised when she heard the elf speak to her. She was holding a bow, his Mirkwood bow, and was shooting, she had never used his bow. But lately, she would use it to train and she could by now wield it perfectly.

Legolas turned and addressed her, his gaze falling heavily on her. "Why then are you here?" he said in a deep, sinister tone that gripped her skin. "Perhaps you're looking to start another tussle?"

"Get lost," Xena growled but resisted the temptation to crush her head against his once more "You are a slow learner. Stay out of my way!"

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" The elf sighed, well aware of how easily the human might get enraged and ready to assault anyone in her path. She reminded him of the stubborn dwarf his friend Gimli "Are you always on the verge of starting a fight regardless of how powerful your opponent is?"

"I might end up hurting you," she confronted him ready to start a fight with the glowing elf as her blue eyes pierced through his. Though inside there was a sadness that made the elf linger to find who had harmed her.

"Have we ever had the same conversation?" suddenly Legolas asked, finding every word familiar, "Why is everything so familiar and strangely unknown at the same time?"

"Perhaps in another life, when I was human and you not, perhaps, we were said and did more than you know, and now in this life, you find it familiar!" Xena offered unable to tell him the truth but was so close to slowly admitting it.

Legolas would have asked her what she meant, he wanted to talk with her and find his answers. He honestly wanted, but then he noticed that the bow that she was holding, was his old bow. He tilted his head confused, as he had no memory of giving her his bow. "Who gave you my bow? Who allowed you to wield it? Did you steal it?" Legolas asked while glaring at the thief.

Though Xena could not play along this time, she could not find an explanation and lie to him. She was too furious, she was confused about him and she told him the truth "You gave it to be, it was a gift, foolish elf, as you gave offered me more than this!" Then she leaned forward, her right hand grabbed his arm and she pulled him close and kissed his lips dearly. Then she step away "Find the reason why, and you will have your answers!" she added and walked away.

Legolas watched her taking her to leave, and his bow with her. His fingers touch his lips, and the warmth of her lips felt familiar. He smirked thinking this was his first kiss, and it was stolen by the daughter of Elrond. She had won fully his attention, did she want to game with him, he had all the time to game with her and find out how he managed to get his bow.

((Upcoming Chapter One-Hundred-Two))

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