LXXVIII: Forsaken Caverns Part I

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Falls of Rauros, 3019 TA, April 6th

Gaping holes caving underneath the Waterfall of Rauros close to the hills of Emyn Muil, upon either side of Nen Hithoel, were a vast, seemingly impenetrable maze of crags situated in the region of Rhovanion. Beneath a forsaken cave system build around the SA by unknown creatures. Some say that it was crafted by dwarves of Erin, others believe it was orcs aiding them to travel faster. In both cases, the system was still there hidden and forgotten by most. Only the cold spring winds rattled through the abandoned tunnel of the caverns.

The rocky walls were littered with tiny sparkling crystals, not unlike the stars of the night sky, yet it was so mysterious inside the caves and through the halls. The darkness was broken as the sunlight was still fighting its way inside. The walls above arched another hundred feet up to giant stalactites, and the ground was curved and becoming dangerous. There were too many pathways implying how far and deep those caverns were traveling deep into the hills of Emyn Muil and farther. And cold water was pouring from above forming a small stream that was disappearing in the deepest parts of the caves.

Water floated ever so coolly from the cave opening down feeding springs inside the caverns. She listened to the water's flaw, breathing steady, heart strong, and felt the rocking ground against her back. It took her a long moment to become aware of what had happened and where they landed. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes and taking in all her surroundings and the injured prince next to her.

Xena stood up, staggered, fell, and slid to fall next to Legolas, who was motionless. She had already seen that her gown was torn and soiled, and the fall had left her with a few wounds on her arms, legs, and face. However, her concerns now rested with the elf. Slowly rising from the sliding posture, she bent over Legolas and flipped him with trembling hands. Extremely high levels of heat emanated from the Elf's skin, causing Xena to pull her hands away in astonishment.

His garment, especially the bottom portion, was drenched with blood, and his complexion was so deathly pale that it was almost the same color as the white walls. Additionally, the environment around him was sucked with blood. Xena feverishly searched the area for a hint of refuge, attempting in vain to see through the bloodied and muddy terrain. After a few seconds, she discovered an area that seemed to be drier.

She returned to Legolas and murmured to him in an effort to rouse him, but the elf did not answer. She was becoming concerned but shook Legolas harder, causing him to gasp slightly, but he did not open his eyes. However, this sufficed for the moment. She put them cautiously away from the long blades that were lying nearby, then wrapped her arms around him and brought him to a sitting posture.

Then, she balanced his weight against her own, rose up carefully, and moved the elf away from the cliffy corner where they had fallen to a cleaner, drier place. He left behind traces of blood, indicating that he was still bleeding. They managed to fall in the most desolate spot in the world, where there was no medical treatment to heal a wound.

Then, she gently set Legolas down and sat next to him, turning him to his uninjured side and carefully unlocking his belts and strips, as well as removing his quiver and knife cases. The tunic and undershirts were then removed and laid next to them. The new wound caused by Uagz was serious and deep; it had reached the ribs and continued to hemorrhage.

If she hadn't defended the elf and ended up suffering such a tumble, they wouldn't be stuck under those caves together. But lingering behind would result in their definite demise. Her healing talents were average, but Legolas' wound may be deadly if she was imprisoned in this location with nothing to use. Not to mention his response to the information he had just learned. But for now, Xena had to halt the construction, clean and bandage the wound, and provide first aid. She would work out the remainder afterward.

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