V The Friends of the Past

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Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters or settings from Lord of the Rings or Xena the Warrior Princess

Author's Note:

I usually include the elfish dialogue in elfish. However, it will be limited in this fanfiction. Just keep in mind whenever Elves talk they will be speaking Sindarin. I will keep you updated. But if I forget to add it, I am including this information here.

This is a LegoRomance (slow-burn)

Happy 20th Anniversary to "Lord of the Rings"!

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Imladris, 3018 TA, October 2

Elrond crossed paths with Legolas as he was leaving Xena's bed-chamber. Legolas intended to visit Lord Elrond in his study chamber and have a long talk about the coming and goings of Mirkwood. Both males walked through the corridors until they reached Elrond study's chamber. While talking to Legolas Elrond received news that troubled him. The new information that Legolas brought were given to the Lord of Rivendell at the right time. Because even Elrond could not foretell how powerful the enemy had become. His decision to hold a council at the end of October was the right one.

Their discussion reached the end after a guard notified Lord of Rivendell that more guests arrived. As Legolas told him, the party of dwarves had reached Rivendell. Elrond requested to speak and welcome them. The guard left and went to guide the dwarves back to Elrond study's chamber. Legolas bowed, politely taking his leave. The last thing he needed was to cross paths with the dwarves. He excused himself and opened the door, stepping out.

Legolas wished to meet with Aragon, but as Elrond informed him, Strider, haven't shown up around Rivendell for a long time. He mentions though that both of his sons have returned. The wooden Elf was on his way to meet with his trusted friends, who he would find in the training grounds. Legolas did not delay, he return to his bed chamber and grabbed his weapons and then strode towards the training area to meet with the twins.

A moment later after Legolas had left, one of the guards guided a group of dwarfs in Elrond's study chamber. The master of the house was an elf-friend, one of those who once welcomed the dwarves into his house and aided them years ago when Gloin followed Thorin and Bilbo on their quest to the Lonely Mountain. Elrond had been well-aware of the affairs of dwarves and Elves.

"We were awaiting your arrival Master Gloin!" he said, taking a seat behind his desk and gesturing them to take a seat.

Gloin gazed at the Lord of Rivendell and smiled. "Mirkwood already briefed you in Master Elrond," he recalled the aid that was offered to them in the old forest road. "But then again, they have aided us through our journey." he acknowledged.

"You are far away from Erebor?" Elrond quizzed.

"Orcs, Goblins, and every dark creature are slowly increasing around the Lonely Mountain, Dale, and beyond. But I am sure Mirkwood already informed you, Master Elrond." Gloin said, winning everyone's attention entirely, "Evil messengers had reached the Lonely Mountain promised the return of one or more of the Seven rings if we would reveal the location of Bilbo Baggins. I can't foretell the future Master Elrond, yet I am sure something dark is at work." Gloin concluded and rested his hands against his lap.

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