LXVI: Smitten intoxication

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With a sigh, you turn away

With a deepening heartNo more words to sayYou will find that the worldHas changed forever

And the trees are now turning
From green to gold

And the sun is now fadingI wish I could hold you closer

Bair Nestad*, 3019 TA, March 16

Every wounded soldier had been slowly cared for. The houses of healing were filled with wounded men and a few women who were seeking relief from the pain of their wounds and the credulity of the battle. The Warden of the Houses of Healing and Ioreth took care of the few newly arrived injured. The Gondorian Warden of the Houses of Healing was in charge of the Houses of Healing.

Earlier, he had irritated both Gandalf and Aragorn with his propensity to engage in lengthy discussions about herbs; meanwhile, he had demonstrated ignorance regarding the healing properties of athelas, which had been almost forgotten, save by the few who still remembered the lore of the Elder Days. However, he appeared to be more concerned with assisting the injured than further irritating Aragorn.

As the night grew older, the injured began to drift off to sleep, while the others found a corner or chair to rest. Gimli had discovered a soft enough bedding to allow him to fall asleep. Legolas escaped the houses of Healing by hiding in trees outside. Numerous trees and lawns brought him peace, as the trees and nature soothed and comforted him and aided his recovery.

Sitting between the trees he found peace and nature's sweet aroma had him forget the horrifying scenes of the battle. He knew that tonight's rest was only offering a small comfort to what would come. Gondor had won, but the enemy was still standing and Middle Earth was in danger. But he needed a moment of rest, from all the death that they had been surrounded by.

Truth be told, the darkness and cruelty of Sauron never ceased expanding. It affected all living things, but elves more than any other species. Even though Legolas was accustomed to the darkness of Mirkwood, this growing darkness was different. The shadow was slowly closing in on him, and a strange sensation was developing within him. The sea's call was closer than he could have imagined.

Legolas endured. Two ravenous forces, Oropher's fire, and Thranduil's coldness, one attacking and the other defending, comprised a significant portion of him. There was, however, another aspect that concealed warmth and benevolence, a generous force that was a part of his mother. He was a total unknown. Because Legolas was not all of the preceding, he was more. The Prince's open mind and courageous heart had evolved over time.

The Sindarin royal prince, the silvan Mirkwood chief, the Woodland Messenger, the elf archer, and warrior, were only a small part of him. He knew and respected the history and traditions of his ancestors. However, he had lived and known life outside the elven borders. He had friends, elves, humans, and dwarves. He had embarrassed his past and percent and had accepted it.

This night came with a whisper of perfect black that grew into a comforting chorus of stars. The evergreen had surrounded the elf slowly easing his worries and calming him down. His dazzling figure was still sitting crossed-legged in between the trees. There in the blackness of night he believed to be alone, lost in his own thoughts. Until the sound of cracking of a tree branch disturbed his thoughts.

She had finished with her bath and had cleaned her armor. She was wearing a simple white gown given to her by Ioreth. The elderly wife demanded of her to clean up before she would rest, and respecting her long years, Xena could not attack her. However, she did not mind getting rid of all the dirt and blood that covered her body and armor. After she was done with those tasks, and while not being able to sleep she decided to find some rest outside one of the gardens of the Houses of healings.

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