CIV: Into the woods

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Fangorn Forest, 3019 TA, June 29nd

The woodland was haunted, filled with memories and suffering, gloomy, and inhabited by darkness. A dense forest formed under the eastern sides of the southern Misty Mountains. Aragorn seems to have reminded Legolas and Gimli of their pledge to go to Fangorn Forest after the War of the Ring had concluded.

"Will you take the chance to travel with Gimli for a few days?" the king offered when Legolas visited him at his study chamber "You are departing tomorrow with Gimli and a few more!"

Legolas sat across from Aragorn, perplexed by his comments, and observed the king with his legs crossed and leaning on the armchair. "I am bemused, Aragorn," he remarked in an ironic tone. "You want me to determine whether or not I shall journey, or have you already chosen for me?"

Aragorn poured the crimson wine that the Elvenking had given him on the day of his wedding into two cups; he gave one to Legolas and kept the other for himself. Aragorn told Legolas that he would be travelling the next day and drank his crimson wine as he waited for Legolas's response.

"Where will I go?" Legolas asked as he began sipping his own wine, "And with whom?" For the time being, he followed Aragorn's lead in order to choose his own course of action. Days prior, his world had become so bizarre, in a dumb manner. Numerous events were occurring that did not make sense. Like Arwen end up taking his weapons, Aragorn showed up and tried to accuse Arwen's sister.

Indeed, it has always been Arwen's sister. It was as though everyone had conspired to make his life miserable by permitting her constant appearances. He did not want to accept it, but it seemed that everyone supported her, and he became the antagonist of a plot he did not understand. Legolas gradually began to suspect that he had done something to Xena that he could not recall.

"You are heading to Fangorn Forest with Gimli and a few guards, my friend." Aragorn informed him while smirking at him "Didn't you both want to go on that trip? Perhaps it would be beneficial for you both to leave this location and go on a new adventure."

Legolas welcomed the idea, as vacationing with Gimli in Fangorn away from that Xena damsel seemed like the ideal escape from his crazy days. He would assert that he had never experienced such insanity, but something in him warned him otherwise. "I will do this duty!" Legolas agreed, and the two men sat down and sipped wine.

Later in his own chamber, he leaned against the open window and observed the tranquil view before him. There was an otherworldly quality about the Prince of Mirkwood. His long, silvery blonde hair was unbraided and flapping in the gentle wind. He was half-dressed when the quiet drew his attention, and he stopped his travel preparations. Legolas always enjoyed travelling, exploring the area, and embarking on new equestrian experiences. Like those with irritating companions, trips caused him to forget the many centuries he had lived and convince him that he was a young adult prepared to confront life. Even though he knew the travel would be brief, he was obligated to fulfil a commitment made to the dwarf.

Strangely, he did not have to braid his hair this time; he just let it hang straight down his back. He had abandoned the prince's path and would not return to Mirkwood for a very long time. He chose to remain in Minas Tirith and assist Aragorn. Elves who had stayed in Arda and a few from Mirkwood, as well as a few dwarves, would accompany him to serve the new king in the construction of Minas Tirith.

He accepted to take that journey in hope that he would forget the longing for the sea, that he felt frequently, and hoped that his mind would stop thinking of Xena. Honestly, he was worried now that his fall in the riven had damaged his head because he sounded like a pervert whenever he would think of her.

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