Annoying Companion

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Hello good readers. This chaper is a somewhat a random one, but will soon turns out to be a twist that'll happen in the future. So enjoy it.


After safely walking Sora back to her house. Y/N also went home to his.

Y/N opened the door as it creaked. He turned on the lights and sighed as he felt all his sores and fatigue from work came back and took him down with ease.

Y/N: "I'm so tired~. Now I can finally rest in peace in my soft, fluffy, and amazing bed."

Y/N's so tired that he's exaggerating his bed already. He crawls up to his room on the second floor as he takes out his clothes on the way, throwing it everywhere and leaving a mess like a snake.

Arriving at his door, his smile crept up on his face and happily opened the door. He turns on the light, revealing his one hell of a room.

He is complete with all of his computer sets. A great "gaming" chair, 4 monitors and an eye hurting RGB lights.

Something that many people wanted for themselves. But for Y/N, he was excited when he bought it from a long time ago, but somehow, he grown tired of it.

Must be maturity. But he still play some games and watch some lewds stuff when he feels like it.

After opening the light, he charges towards his king sized bed and jumped.

Landing on his soft bed, it immediately swallowed him whole and give in a few moments before he fell asleep.

Y/N: "Ahh~. After a long lasting day of being in stress. My bed has called for me and now... I'm here." He happily stated.

Before he fall into slumber from a long day. He heard something from downstairs. His eyes opened immediately and silently listen to the sound.

It was a sound coming from the kitchen just downstairs. And then he remembers.

Y/N: "Fuck... I didn't close the door!"

He panicked as he thought that there might be a robber inside of his house. He didn't want to repeat that first robber experience all over again.

So he immediately stood up from his bed and took his trusty ol' weapon on his wall.

Y/N: "Now, I will scare you with something that haunted my childhood."

He peeked at the halls of the second floor, to see if the robber was there. But luckily, the sound is still clanging in the kitchen.

He reached the stairs and slowly went down as he leaned forward to look at the surroundings. And it was again cleared.

But he glanced his eyes at the door he forgot to close, it was indeed open, but on a small scale.

The sounds continue coming from the kitchen.

Y/N: "Should I charge there and attack the robber immediately? Or should I call the cops?...

... Ah fuck it!" He told himself.


Without a second thought, he activated his trusty lightsaber and charged the kitchen.

After entering, he swung his lightsaber literally all over the place while having his eyes closed.

He knocked out all of the cooking equipment and the dishes that have been recently washed. Breaking sounds and clanks covers the kitchen. And the lightsaber cuts/burnt everything that it came across.

Regrets One Can't Let Go (Hololive X Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora