Tipsy Night

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I once thought of going back to the past, and killing other future successful singers. And took their song as mine. Is that weird?


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Y/N arrived at his office, tired and kind of sore because of the paperwork that he brought with him. It was a heavy workload that looks like it's been sitting around in her office untouched.

He slowly placed the pile of work on his desk as he doesn't want to strain his back feom the weight.

Y/N: "Damn it, A-chan, How long have been since these things arrived in your office?" He complained.

He doesn't want to think about it. He knew that A-chan started working much more than his after Hololive was shut down.

Her friend, IRL Sora, graduated from an excellent university and became a general surgeon. Sora, of my old timeline, doesn't want anybody else to suffer anymore. So she took a profession that will allow her to help more people.

A-chan was able to get in to one of Jiro's company and manage to climb up the ranking due to effort, commitment, and sheer will. She's already used to so much paperwork that she does not bother anymore and just finished them.

But what Y/N saw in her office earlier was just mild version of the A-chan in his timeline.

Y/N: "Now that things are in place. Time to do my magic. SEL."

Y/N called out SEL (Time-Watch). A bluish light particles appears and gathered in the palm of his right hand and manifested.

His Time Watch.

Y/N pointed his left hand to the paperwork on hia table, and made sure that everything is in range. He concentrated his mind and closed his eyes.

His left hand glows with that goldish light as small particles surrounded the paperwork. Then, out of nowhere, letters and signatures appears, paper by paper.

It is one of the watch's abilities. He forwarded the time of the paperwork, in which time, they're finished. Along with all the information on the files, were stored in the watch.

Ready to be read later.

Y/N has been using this ability for quite some time now. But mostly, he got bored, so he just did his work manually.

'that's done. Now, I should get back in the party and clean up. I'm sure that everyone has left already.'

After having that thought. He clapped his hands and slaps both of his cheeks to keep him awake. It was too much for one day after all.

'Iroha... Kizuna... and lastly, Suisei at the rooftop. God, is my luck really going down soon?! Because it's already too much signs.'

His thoughts were interrupted as someone knocked on his door. The knock was kind of childish as the person just knocked repeatedly without stopping. Y/N looked back in irritation and called.

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