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Well, I made a little change on the last chapter so... It'll be a timeskip, and leave the last chapter of the theme park arc as a bonus. Also, every season, it'll have 3 or 4 arcs, if lucky, but 3 at best. So let's enter the Holo Gamer arc.

I always wondered why Hera was so clingy these past days

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I always wondered why Hera was so clingy these past days.


Yagoo: " So... Let me get this straight. You revealed your identity to everyone here in Hololive?"

Yagoo asked, looking at Y/N with dead, serious eyes. Hands under his chin and both placed in the table, looking menacing.

Y/N: " Yes." He replied, unaffected by Yagoo's aura.

Yagoo: " But only told A-chan about being a shareholder to keep the others for looking at you on the 'other' way?"

Yagoo asked as he showed him a folder with everything that A-chan reported during the Theme park times.

Y/N: " Uh huh."

Y/N nodded as he looked through those files, checking pages by pages to see if there is any misinformation. Or if A-chan knew what trouble he did.

Yagoo: " And now, Xeras Corazon no longer exist in this company and he's replaced by Y/N L/N?"

Yagoo said as he rubbed his temple, sighing on the process too.

Y/N: " Pretty much everything you said, yes. I mean, what's the big deal? It's not like we can keep that secret forever right?"

Y/N pointed out with a smile. He put back the files to the table and wore his glasses, he then leaned and tried to rock his chair, risking it to fall.

Yagoo couldn't no longer understand what Y/N is doing, he is unaware of his motives, reason, and actions.

He just sat there, looking at him dead in the eye, making Y/N a bit nervous as seconds passes.

Yagoo: " I can't understand your current actions, and there's nothing worthwhile for me to get if I even manage to figure it out."

Yagoo opened his drawer and took out 3 brown envelope with a label named 'Hololive GAMERS'.

Y/N looked at the files with great interest, as his prediction did happened. But Yagoo is quite angry because he was the one who did the Audition. Well, not exactly an audition.

Y/N already picked the Hololive GAMERS talents by himself, and used the audition as an excuse to meet them and add them to the Hololive Talents, along with the recent debut of Hololive Diva, AZKi.

Yagoo: " You already scouted and deemed these three to be our new Talents, which I can't argue with, and soon will be debuting, all on the same time." Yagoo assured as his spin the pen in his hand.

Regrets One Can't Let Go (Hololive X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now