Practice makes Perfect.

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Good news and Bad news. Good news is that this book is officially finished as I've done all the chapters, alone, until the last one. Bad news is that I wont be mass releasing.


Y/N, Mio, and Kizuna arrives at the Headquarters with no trouble. The liveliness of the employees greeted them with a warm welcome back.

But, its already 6 pm. so why are they lively? It's because A-chan gave them a tons of work as the new coming of Hololive GAMERS came. They're running from places to places as they manages the papers, sponsors and watching out for big companies.

(Calli is now in Universal Studios, I'm proud of her)

Y/N and the others were unnoticed so they just let them be and get their works done without being interrupted.

Kizuna: " Wow, everyone here is sure working hard. I can't compare mine to this."

Y/N: " It is, I'm quite proud of them for working that much for the sake of the idols but..."

He couldn't set aside what the employees would do just to save their damn job in the past. COVER and Hololive Production sure is making a lot, and i meant a lot of Money when they're on the roll. And their salaries sure kept on rising, but those come with a much harder challenge.

But instead of facing them and saving the ones that kept them fed. They all turned their backs and bite the hands that gives them food.

Causing for it's fall eventually.

He hiding his true words on beautiful forms like Proud, delighted, and happy. He hid his true emotions and hate for them. Hate that burns much that will put Amaterasu to shame.

He just walked straight there, without taking a glance on his surrounding.

But this surely didn't go unnoticed by Kizuna. She felt that Y/N surely is uncomfortable as they walk through the crowded office.

Kizuna: ' It just doesn't feel right... I've met a lot of people before and I still do this day. but none of them are like him... I feel something is wrong when we entered this office, as if he was... What was that word again...?



5 Minutes later.

Y/N and Kizuna arrives at the 11th floor. Kizuna was shocked as she sees the decorations that are hanging on the walls, and a banner that says "Welcome to Hololive". Kizuna is happily surprised as she looks around, leaving Y/N on his won for a while.

Mio wasn't there as she went along with Okayu and Korone earlier before they enter the elevator. So she don't know anything yet.

Y/N took this chance and immediately replaced the Hologram Decorations with the real ones without anyone looking.

Y/N: " This is troublesome to the max... I hate moving too much!!"

Y/N complained, but it was in vain as he continues.


Yagoo POV

30 Minutes before the arrival of Y/N, Kizuna and Mio

Yagoo: " What the Fuck!?" Yagoo shouted.

He looked at his surrounding. just earlier before everyone left the 11th floor, it was just a mass of paper works and garbage that are waiting to be thrown or finished. But in a instant, all of it was gone! Poof, gone, reduced to atoms or so.

Regrets One Can't Let Go (Hololive X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now