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43 : Island (My Name Is Kwon Nara)


A year without her was painful. My heart was empty of the guilt, regret, sorrow, and misery. If only I could turn back the time, I could've made her the happiest.

I was peacefully watching the waves that were crashing against the shore. I looked up to the stars and noticed a star that beams so vibrantly, "I miss you..." I muttered under my breath.

I took something from my pocket and stared at it for long. I have been keeping this silver flash drive for a year already. I never had the courage to open this.

However, it's been so long. I think it's time for me to accept everything that happened.

I opened my laptop and inserted the flash drive in the USB port. There were no other files except for this particular file named To Jay.

I bit my lower lip when I felt a stinging sensation in my chest. I took a deep breath before clicking it.

It was a video from her.

"Hi, Jay! Uhmm..." She rubbed her palms on her knees. She was inside her room while sitting on a wooden chair, "First of all... I want to apologize... I know that word is not enough. If only I could take our baby's place. If only the baby was the one who lived, and I was the one who died. If that was possible, I would have already done it..."

I looked up and wiped my tears. Goodness, Miu... you don't have to say that...

"Jay... I'm sorry. I really am. Please forgive me already. I miss you so much..." Her voice broke, and that's when I started to sob. I bit my lower lip and clenched my fist, "It's been six years, Jay. I miss you teasing me. I miss you taking me to unfamiliar places. I miss you showing me things I have never seen before. I miss everything about you. When will you forgive me..."

"This is my 200th video message already. I always record everything I wanted to say to you. This time, hopefully... I'll have the guts to give you this."

My Miu... I am sorry. I didn't know you suffered this much because of me.

"I want to wrap my arms around you right now..." I muttered under my breath.

I heavily exhaled and stood up as I started fixing my things. I just came here to have a little vacation. I have to go back to Seoul again today to take care of the company.

"Sorry..." I helped the woman in gathering her seashells. She was holding a bamboo basket, and her seashells fell because of the impact when I bumped into her.

"It's okay."

I got stunned when I heard that voice. I swallowed hard before slowly looking up. My mouth slightly widened. It felt like someone dumped an entire bucket of ice water on me.

"M-miu...?" I whispered.

She creased her forehead and eyed me from head-to-toe. Yet, she looks different. She was dressed in a loose floral dress that was very significantly different to her previous look.

It was as if I am seeing a new Miu.

"Miu?" She confusingly asked, "Who's Miu? Why are you becoming pale? Sir, are you sick? Should I call my husband to ask for his help? He's kinda busy but he could spare time, I guess? He won't mind."

I suddenly heard a long ringing sound inside my ears when she said that.

"Your... husband?"

"Yes. We've been married for years already." She smiled brightly. "Are you a tourist here?"

I slowly nodded, "I'm on a vacation."

She pursed her lips and eyed me from head-to-toe once again, "You look so rich!"

I stared at her. You're rich as well... Miu.

"What's your name?" I asked. She was hesitant to answer at first but she still managed to open her mouth.

"Kwon Nara."

"My name is Kwon Nara."

Ghost | JAY ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora