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18 : Baby (Can We Talk?)


"Based on her reaction, I think you're being too harsh on her." Heeseung made his way towards me. I messed my hair and sat on the chair. Miu already left and I admit that I was being harsh on her. I wasn't able to control myself earlier because I was driven by my emotions.

"I know... I'll apologize later." I stared out of nowhere while playing with my lips. Sunghoon entered the kitchen while his eyes are fixed outside.

"What happened to the both of you? Why is Miu crying?" He asked as he placed a chair beside me and sat on it.

"It is none of your business, Sunghoon. Leave them alone." Jake lazily said while leaning against a table.

"And it is also none of your business if I want to know what happened?" Sunghoon raised a brow and looked at Jake. Jake just exhaled and shook his head.

"To be honest..." Sunoo spoke which made our heads turn to him, "She's kind of interesting." He slowly plastered a smirk and fixed his eyes on me.

My brows furrowed, "What are you saying?"

He shrugged his shoulders and crossed his arms, "I like Miu."

He said which made everyone, expect me, gasp. I stood up and walked towards him. The crease never left my forehead, "What the hell are you talking about?"

He scoffed, "I like her. I like Miu. Which part of it is difficult to understand?" I slowly noticed the changing of his voice tone. As if he's trying to challenge me for something.

"But she's my fiancé." I sternly said.

Sunoo pursed his lips and stared at me for seconds before slowly letting out a laugh. He held his tummy as if the situation right now is very funny to him. He pointed me with his index finger, "Wow, that quick? If only you could see your face right now, Park! The hell HAHAHAHAHAHAH"

My brows furrowed more. I tilted my head out of confusion, "What the fuck, Kim Sunoo?"

"I was just kidding, okay?! I was just trying to test you!" He said while laughing.

"What test?" I annoyingly asked. What the hell is this bastard trying to do?

Sunoo looked up and wiped his tears as a result from laughing too hard. He then fixed his position and looked at me, "But don't expect me to love you, Miu. Never expect something from me." He mimicked, "Asshole. Who are you fooling? You're obviously feeling something towards her but why are you making it hard for yourself? Just tell Miu you like her and then live happily ever after."

I sighed and closed my eyes. "I don't like her."

"Really? How about I'll date her instead-"

"Fuck you, Kim Sunoo."

He scoffed, "See?"

I clicked my tongue and covered my face, "I don't like her... but I can't stand seeing her with someone else, either. Fuck this." I muttered under my breath.

"Whatever, Jay. It's your life anyway. We'll stop right here. We won't meddle anymore." Sunoo took the leftover cookies from the oven and ate it; he then went outside the kitchen.

"Jay. Can I borrow your phone?" Sunghoon opened his palm, "I need to search something but my phone's battery is dead."

I got too preoccupied with Sunoo's words so I unconsciously gave it to him without properly thinking.

After a few minutes he handed it to me, "Also, forgive me for I have committed a grave sin. Adios!" Sunghoon waved his hand and ran towards outside.

My forehead creased as I looked at my phone.

My eyes immediately widened. I clenched my jaw and immediately followed him but I was too late. He already entered his car.

"Don't ever show your face to me again, Park fucking Sunghoon!"


I stared at myself in the mirror, a tear escaped from my eyes. I immediately wiped it with my hand as I plastered a faint smile on my face, "So what if he doesn't want me? He is not the only man in this world, Miu! Come on!" I laughed without humor.

I can't believe I am acting this way for a mere boy!

I got interrupted when my phone vibrated. I slightly got nervous when I saw where the text message is coming from. I swallowed hard before opening it,

What is my baby doing?

My eyes widened. I immediately stood up and took a glance at it again. Just trying to make sure if I am not tripping or something.

I just stared at it. Unable to respond since I was too stunned. The nerves of him to say that after remarking painful words earlier?!

I harshly exhaled and bravely typed a reply,

Excuse me?

Fuck sorry.
It was Sunghoon.

My forehead creased out of confusion.


He borrowed my phone earlier. I'm sorry if this has caused you confusion.

Also, Miu. Can we talk tomorrow?

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