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04 : Pair (Might as Well Play with Your Heart)


"This is why I fucking hate group works." I mumbled while staring at the index card with my name and his name on it.

I fixed my eyes on Jay who was also staring at his index card wearing a look of disappointment. I clicked my tongue and tossed the index card inside my bag.

I stood up and walked towards him. He didn't look up, although I am pretty sure he already saw me through his peripheral vision.

He's avoiding me, huh?

"I will tell the professor to find me another partner." I said, emphasizing the words, "I know you don't want me-"

"It's okay. I don't want to hassle the professor." He replied softly without giving me an eye.

I raised a brow. Okay, then.

I am easy to talk to.

I STARED at him while he is busy flipping the pages. We are currently in the library to research and he volunteered to distribute our parts so I just let him be.

"Miu." My brows shot up when he called my name. He signaled me to get closer to him so I did, "Are you okay with this part?"

I didn't bother to look at it and just nodded immediately. I have the skills. I can even make this work alone.

"You sure?" He asked, still busy flipping through the pages of the exercise book, "How about this one? This is much more easy-"

"Are you looking down on me?" I asked with a hint of irritation.

Jay halted as he closed the book to look at me. I saw an unfamiliar emotion in his eyes while he was gazing at me, "Sorry."

"So our assigned task is final." Jay returned the book in its respective shelf, "I will just message or call you tonight. Can I have your number?"

I lazily heaved a sigh before taking my phone out. He glanced at me first before typing my number on his phone, "Got it."

I nodded and arranged my things, "The sky is getting dark and the chauffeur is already probably waiting outside the university. I have to go." I said in monotone.

"Alright, take care."

He blankly said as he walked past me. I scoffed when he purposely hit my shoulder with his. Good thing I was still able to balance myself.

I closed my eyes tightly to calm myself. Calm down, Miu. Calm yourself. Don't be a brat all the time.

I swiftly grabbed my bag as I ran towards Jay so that I could walk with him. He slightly got surprised when he saw me, but he didn't utter any word.

"Do you have a car or there's a chauffeur waiting for you outside? You can join me-"

"I have a car." He took something from his pocket. I flinched when he waved his car keys right in front of my face.

I frowned. I got annoyed but I need to stay calm. I still want to ask him about Kwon Nara and that's only possible if we become close, so I am trying to be nice right now.

When we reached the university's main gate. I plastered a bright and sweet smile on my face.

Jay got stunned while staring at me, "Take care, Jay!" I waved at him before getting inside the black sedan.

The moment the door closed. My fake smile immediately faded. It slowly turned into an evil smirk while I glanced at Jay through the tinted window of the car.

He wasn't able to move. He was just staring out of nowhere. Mixed emotions were all over his face so I couldn't read what's going on in his mind right now.

However, I am sure he felt something earlier.

Whoever that Kwon Nara is, I am sure she was close to Jay's heart. It's either she's dead or she left him. I rolled my eyes as I fixed my sight on the road, the evil smirk still plastered on my face.

So I resemble her a lot, huh... might as well play with your heart, Park Jongseong.

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