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39 : End of Us (It Was All My Fault)


As I was expecting, the result turned out positive. I tried the test thrice yet I still kept on getting the same result.

I don't know what I should feel. It was mixed. I am grateful but at the same time, afraid. Our situation is still complicated, I think it's not the time to bear a child, yet. However, it's already here. I just can't let this go.

I stared at the pregnancy test for a long time before taking my phone out. I clicked my brother's name and sent him a message,

You are not telling anyone about this.


It's positive, Riki. I am pregnant. I don't want Jay to know, yet. Let me handle and fix everything first.

So you're still planning not to ask for his help? Miu, for goodness' sake. You're pregnant with his child. If anything happens to it, do you think he'll forgive you?

I'll try my best to keep the baby safe. For now, please respect my decision.

I don't know anymore. I can't understand you.

I am asking this favor as your sister, Riki. Please.



Fine! I won't tell anyone! Just make sure to keep the baby and yourself safe.

Thank you.

I turned my phone off and rested my back on the backrest of the swivel chair. I massaged my temples as I relaxed my eyes.

I immediately covered my mouth when I felt like vomiting. I stood up and went to the comfort room.

I released what I ate earlier. My stomach started to get painful as well. It was as if something is getting pulled.

I groaned in pain. I went out of the comfort room and immediately called my secretary, "Bring me to the hospital, please..."

My stomach hurts so bad. I felt like collapsing anytime soon. I looked down and saw blood dripping between my legs. My whole body began to shake, "Oh my gosh..." I muttered under my breath.

Hold on, little one. Please, hold on.

"Young Lady!" My secretary barged inside the office. She held my arms to examine me. Her mouth widened when she saw blood, "What's..."

"Bring me to the hospital.... right now..."

She nodded even though she still can't understand the situation, "I will call your bodyguards!"

My eyes started to get heavy as my breathing hitched. Her, going out of the office was the last thing I saw before my vision went dark.

I felt someone staring at me the moment I regained consciousness. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. My entire body is still in pain, but what's more painful is the thing inside my chest.

I watched Jay as he started at me, his eyes were devoid of any emotion. He was as if staring at a blank wall,

"The baby..." I muttered under my breath, "Is the baby okay..."

His jaw clenched, "It's gone."

I don't know what to react. It was like my world stopped spinning. I can't comprehend the thing he just said, "What do you mean gone?"

He unbelievably exhaled. He pierced his gaze onto me, "You didn't take care of yourself. You placed your fvcking empire first before our baby. You don't have the rights to react like this."

He walked towards me, I saw how he clenched his fist, as if he was trying hard not to hurt me, "You planned this, didn't you? You don't want to bear a child yet, so you killed the baby intentionally!"

I unbelievably gasped. It was so painful to hear those words from him. None of it was even true. Why would I intentionally kill my own child?!

"I just learned I am pregnant this day! I didn't know I was pregnant! It was true... I didn't take care of myself, but I was not expecting me to get pregnant. I was-"

"You placed your pride first before anything else! You didn't even ask for my help because you were too proud of yourself. Why? Is it because you believe you can do anything alone?" He faked a laugh, "Well guess what, you can't! You can't do things alone, Miu! You needed my help, admit it!"

I bit my lower lip when I felt a tear coming out from my eyes, "I just..."

"And because of your egotistical mindset. You lost the baby. You lost my child... you took my rights as a father right away..." I swallowed hard when he sobbed. He looked so hurt. I couldn't defend myself because all he said was right.

I was at fault.

I was the one who killed our baby.

It was my fault.

It was all my fault.

"I'm sorry, Jay..." I muttered under my breath, "I am sorry..."

"I will only forgive you if you'd bring the baby back to life." His tone was different. What he said is impossible to do, but his tone was desperate.

"Do you think you're the only one in pain..." I whispered. Why is he like this? "I lost the baby too and I blame myself for that! Do you understand me, Jay? I lost the child as well! You're not the only one mourning! It is painful for me, as well."

"The moment I lost the baby... I was lost, too..." I sobbed and covered my face, "I know you can't forgive me even though I'd kneel in front of you right now. Even though I'd say sorry for a thousand times... but you have to know that I didn't want any of this to happen, Jay..."

The always proud and arrogant, Nishimura Miu. Humbly begging for someone's forgiveness. How did things go wrong?

I looked at him. He was not moved at all, and that's something I expect already. He shook his head, disappointment was all over his face. He turned his back from me and went out of the room without saying a single word.

And that's when I knew...

... that it was the end of us.

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