I feel Ella climb onto my lap, her little legs struggling to catch on to anything but when she's on my lap she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my cheek. "Don't cry mommy,"

"I'm sorry baby mommys just a little stressed out and worried about daddy." I tell her while wiping my tears away.

"But daddy wouldn't want you to be worried, daddy just wants you to be happy he told me himself." Ella says with a proud look on her face that makes me smile.

"Oh ya, when did he tell you this?" I ask , smiling as I move her hair out of her face.

"The day before your birthday when we made you breakfast he told me how would do anything if it meant mommy was happy." Ella says, smiling as her little hands grab my face and kisses it all over.

"Thank you baby, mommy's all better now and it's because of you" I say while booping her nose that makes her laghu before she gives me one more big hug and then hops off my lap and goes back to eating her food.

I look up at Cameron and see that he is already looking at me with a smile. "How are you doing with everything?" I ask Cameron, I haven't checked in on him yet and I feel a little guilty about that.

"I've been through stuff like this before so I'm doing just fine." Camerons says with a sad smile.

"Just because you have been through this before doesn't mean you have to be ok" I say pulling him for a hug.

"That's what I keep telling him" Lily says as me and Cameron let go of each other. Lily leans down on his shoulders and says "you should listen to me more"

"Ya ya." Cameron says with a smirk.

"How far along are you?" Lily changes the subject as she points at my stomach.

"I'm 8 weeks along" I say , putting a hand on my somewhat flat stomach.

"That's nice still early, so i'm assuming you don't know the gender yet?" Lily asks before taking a quick glance at Kade.

"No," I say, shaking my head, "and even if i could find out the gender i wouldn't want to unless kade was there." Lily looks at me with pity in her eyes when I say that she doesn't know if Kade will ever be there to find out our baby's gender. I hated being pitied and she was doing it right now.

Cameron puts a hand on my knee and says " he will wake up soon" I can only nod in response.

They leave back to Cameron's room shortly after that conversation, Ella finishes with her food and got out a coloring book. I've spent a lot of money these past days trying to keep her occupied in the hospital with the little toys we have now.

"Mommy, I'm tired." Ella says looking up from her coloring book.

"Ok baby, why don't you take a nap." I say as I pick her up and place her on the bed.

"But what if daddy wakes and and im asleep" she says pouting and crossing her arms, "i don't want to be asleep when daddy wakes up"

"How about we make a deal" I say with a raised eyebrow, Ella looks at me skeptical so I keep going, "if daddy wakes up then i will wake you up so that you don't miss out on him."

"Fine," Ella says. She lays down and I pull the covers over her then move to the blinds to close them. I leave them half open so that there is still sun coming through but I turn off the lights so the room is now pretty dark.

I move a chair over to kades bed side and grab his hand. "Please wake up, it's been 3 days and i'm going crazy without you, you have to wake up." i pead to his non responsive body. I feel so hopeless that I can't do anything to help him. "Your the love of my life and i dont know how im spouse to raise 2 children with out you so please fucking wake up" i say with tears running down my fae, I have cried to many times in these past days.

I rest my head on the bed praying to anyone who will listen to let Kade wake up, i stay in that possession for a while. A nurse walks in so I wipe my tears "I have to check his vitals," the lady says with a slight smile.

I nod and let go of kades hands putting them in my lap. "You know a lightle more sunlight might help" the nurse says with a small smile as she stops writing and looks at me.

"I know but our daughter is napping" I say pointing to the bed that had Ella under the covers. The nurse nods and when she's done writing she leaves.

I grab kades hand again and squeeze it, but my mood changes from sad to pissed. "wake the fuck up you idiot, i swear to god i will drag you out from hell and bring you back here if you die." go mood swings are a bitch. "Your such a fucking ideot how could you get yourself shot, you prosmised we would be forever you liar and now your fucking dying" i say angerly at his face before turnig away.

"Fuck you" i say to him again receving no response from him, he promised me he wouldnt leave me and now he wont fucking wake up.

"That is no way to speak to a dying man darling" a deep and raspy voice that i know by heart says.

Word count: 1524
TikTok: classy_scorpio
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He's alive

Catch me if you canOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora