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"Someone looks happy" Hyunjin smiled as Jisung stood at his front door.

Jisung laughed and entered his house. He smiled brightly as he took off his shoes. "Are the others here yet?"

"Yeah, they're in the living room" Hyunjin nudged his head over to where he heard distant laughs.

Jisung nodded and gave a small smile to Hyunjin before walking off to the living room.

As he entered he heard the end of a random conversation.

"All I'm saying is Micheal Holden is the moment in solitare, you can't take that away from me" Felix ranted with Seungmin. Clearly both had opposite views.

"The book is legit about Tori and her struggles and you're saying Micheal was the best??" Seungmin scoffed "Hun, you need to re-read"

"I don't read books more than once" Felix stuck his tongue out. "Oh Jisung hey!"

Everyone greeted him and collectively noticed how brighter he seemed. It was as if old happy Jisung had stepped into the room.

Hyunjin walked past him but Jisung didn't see the weird look Hyunjin gave him signalling to the others he was acting differently.

"How are you?" Chan asked. Jisung sat down beside Changbin on one of the sofas. "I'm really good!" He smiled.

Changbin looked at him with a disgusted look. "The fuck happened to you?" Jisung loved how brutally honest Changbin was. The moment he saw something off he commented on it.

Jisung giggled "Nothing" he sounded almost ditzy. Felix rolled his eyes. "He's away with the fairies"

Hyunjin looked at him. "Is that another new saying you have now?" Felix nodded in response.

Jeongin piped up. "Hyung you look like you're going to burst... What happened?"

Jisung nearly screamed but instead. "I called Minho last night" came out.

There was collective gasps.

"Shut up!" Chan looked like he was going to cry. Changbin threw his arm around Jisung and gave him a supportive hug. "Tell us more!" Felix clapped his hands excited.

Jisung smiled. "It was awkward at first but then we got talking... He's... He's been through a lot I think a lot more than any of us thought he would"

There was a silence. Jisung wanted to tell them he had a sister, that the sound of the word mom made him want to end a call, that he made new friends who were practically family, that he'd seen more of the world they'd ever imagined, that he had changed for himself, for the better.

Minho was a whole new person. Jisung knew that but his heart hoped he'd still be the person he'd fallen for almost two years ago.

"That's expected, considering his mom" Felix pointed out. There was a few nods. "Maybe the travelling too, different cultures, people, food... That's gotta open up something"

Jisung hummed. Finding a sister you never knew you had.... How bad he wanted to tell them but he knew it wasn't his place.

"He said that he wanted to meet up" Their were cheers now. Jisung was almost sure Chan and Changbin began crying. They hadn't been in contact with him either, their best friend.

"He made new friends, Seulbi and Mira... He wants us to meet them too" Jisung added. Changbin scoffed "They're probably not that great" he sounded salty.

Chan rolled his eyes. "That would be awesome"

"Ahh, this is exciting!!" Seungmin smiled. "But can we watch heartstopper now so I can prove to Felix that Tori is an icon not just some depressed teen?"

Felix threw a pillow at Seungmin before everyone then got comfortable to watch the TV show.

+. - +. - +. -

They were on episode four and all of them were intensely staring at the screen as the last episode ended with the two main characters kissing which sent most of them into fits.

Jisung was oddly calm about it all though. His mind was definitely elsewhere than the TV show.

He tapped Changbin's shoulder. "I'm going to the kitchen, want anything?" He asked. Changbin shook his head and Jisung nodded getting up quietly and leaving.

Once he was in the kitchen he took out his phone and saw that Minho texted him. He smiled and opened it.

@ minho_lee.19

Hey Jisung!
I was wondering
If you're free if you wanted to meet up?

Jisung stared at the message. Minho wanted to see him this soon. Oh god, he didn't know what to think. Was he really free? He was with his friends. They wouldn't mind though would they?

Jisung bit his nail as he thought about what to do.

"You look deep in thought" Jisung jumped and looked over to see Seungmin standing there with a glass in his hand. "Why do you just appear?" Jisung sighed.

Seungmin walked over to the fridge and pulled out a carton of apple juice. Jisung looked at him. "Apple juice?"

"I'm not here for apple juice slander" Seungmin warned. Jisung chuckled and nodded. "Right... Um... Seungmin?" He wanted to ask him. Maybe that was the best idea.

Seungmin hummed in response.

"Minho asked to meet up... Like with me... Today... I think today Um- do you think I should go?"

Seungmin leaned against the counter and stared at Jisung. "Do you want to go?" There was a silence. Jisung nodded slowly. "Then there's your answer"

"But I don't want to ditch you guys"

"Then just sneak out, if they ask where you went I'll just tell them then" He shrugged. "Cause I'm not making up an excuse.. But I think they're all very invested in Heartstopper right now to even care"

Jisung sighed and nodded. "Right.. True" He then smiled. "I'll text him then" Seungmin nodded and sipped his apple juice. "Good. Let me know how it goes"

He then left to the living room again.

Jisung texted back that he could meet up and that they should meet at the iconic Sunshine Café. Minho was quick to reply with a smiley face and a thumbs up.

Jisung took a deep breath before rushing to put on his shoes.

Finally, a year of waiting had come to an end.

+. - +. - +. - +. -


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