Thirty Two🌻

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Jisung had actually needed to go use the bathroom once he left Minho.

He quickly went into one of the nearby bathrooms and rushed into a stall. After he was finished he went and washed his hands.

"There you are" Hyunjin opened one of the stalk doors dramatically. He folded his arms. "Where were you?" he asked.

Jisung gulped. "Uh-"

"Don't tell me in the bathroom when I heard you come in here"

Jisung stayed quiet. He hadn't seen Hyunjin like this in a while. He was scared of this Hyunjin.

Hyunjin sighed though controlling himself. "If you were with Minho, you can tell me"

Jisung slowly felt himself nod. He couldn't lie to Hyunjin. No matter how hard he tried.

Hyunjin let out another sigh. "What did he want? Did he hurt you?"

"Ah, he um wanted me to help him with homework... He just felt embarrassed asking me for help"

"was he the one you were texting in class?" Hyunjin asked completely ignoring what Jisung told him. Jisung nodded "I was making fun of him for asking me"

Hyunjin stayed quiet but seemed to believe Jisung's white lie.

He was really completely telling a lie, he was with Minho just... Not doing homework.

"And you're happier recently because Minho is being more nicer?"

Jisung nodded again. Hyunjin hummed and nodded. "Right...that makes a lot of sense... For a second I thought you two were dating!"

Jisung laughed awkwardly. "I kinda like him though" He reminded the boy. Hyunjin hummed. "I know, but you know what he's like, he could tell you he likes you and then one week after forget about you when he gets bored"

Jisung suddenly felt a panic run through him. What Hyunjin was saying was exactly what Minho did, attention on a person for less than a week and he's onto someone else the next.

He never put a name on anyone. Jisung tried to hold back his thoughts from getting the better of him. Minho clearly stated he liked him and missed him. He was completely different with him.

Hyunjins words shouldn't get to his head like this.

"Maybe you should tell him and see what he says" Hyunjin smiled. "Cause genuinely you two would look cute together"

Jisung's eyes widened and he blushed. "Stop!"

Hyunjin laughed. "I'm saying facts though!"

Jisung shook his head. "Oh my god, yall could be called minsung" Hyunjin laughed.

"Minsung?" Jisung cringed. "What it's your ship name"

"Stop being delusional"

+. - +. - +. - +. -

Maybe Jisung had been obsessed with their ship name for a while after Hyunjin told him.

He waited for Minho at the gates, Jisung looked around a little for his dad but sighed when he couldn't see him. "Is he running late?" He mumbled to himself.

Jisung looked back to the school doors and finally saw Minho walking out with Chan and Changbin.

Jisung gulped. He didn't like the way Minho acted with his friends. Especially after last time.

Minho waved over to him, beckoning him to go over. Jisung shook his head. Minho looked like he sighed and walked over, Chan and Changbin following.

Jisung felt himself tense up a bit. He felt anxious. Lately, his anxiety hadn't been too bad but for some reason he felt like it was going to get worse if these boys started talking to him.

"Hey Ji" Minho smiled and slide his hand into Jisung's. Chan and Changbin gave Minho a small smirk from the sight of the hand holding.

"Hi Jisung" Chan greeted. Jisung didn't reply, he felt his chest twist with dislike. Changbin also greeted him. "Hey Jisung" He spoke.

Minho noticed how quiet Jisung was and looked at the boy, he seemed to be breathing more heavy than before.

Minho squeezed his hand, Jisung looked at him and was met with a warm reassuring smile. Jisung felt a bit calmer but he wasn't letting his guard down.

"Look, what happened at the Café the other day wasn't nice.. We had a long talk with Minho today and well, it'll be odd seeing him act all kinder" Chan admitted.

Jisung gave Minho a look. "What is he on about?"

Minho chuckled. "I thought about what you said, that I act differently around my friends and decided to not do that anymore" He smiled.

Jisung felt oddly proud to hear that. He was the influence of this and to see Minho follow it was... Rather rewarding.

Chan smiled "Be proud of him" He nudged Jisung a little. Finally, Jisung felt calm as he did before. "Yeah, I am" He mumbled.

Changbin giggled. "You two are actually so cute together oh my god" He said. Minho hit him. "Shut it" He glared.

Chan and Changbin felt into laughter. "I'm just saying Hyung" Changbin shrugged.

"Anyway Jisung, we're also sorry if we ever made you feel uncomfortable"

Jisung nodded a little. He still didn't feel comfortable enough around them but he was willing to except the apology.

"We'll be off now" Changbin smiled pushing Chan away from the two.

Jisung looked down at their hands. "They saw our hands..."

Minho chuckled. "Hand holding can be a friendly thing too Ji"

Jisung hummed not convinced. Minho began walking out, dragging Jisung with him.

Minho swung their arms a little, Jisung giggled. "What are you doing? We have to wait for my dad"

"But what about our date?" Minho looked at him.

Jisung's eyes widened. "Date?" He forgot Minho was going to take him out on a date to make up for what he said. He mentally forgave him but he never said it aloud.

Minho nodded. "Yep!" He smiled.

Jisung looked at their uniforms. "This feels like some kdrama kinda thing"

"Shush I just wanted to surprise you" Minho pouted. Jisung giggled and pinched the boys cheek. "You did well"

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I can't fucking sleep 😃😃 why nowww 😭😭 I have like three different songs playing on repeat in my head at the same time right now and it's keeping me up so yuh

We still slay even if we feel like stabbing our brain to stfu 🤪🥰

Anyways hope you have a nice day or night xx love ya!

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