Twenty One🌻

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Minho found it so hard to sleep that night. He found himself overthinking every possible thing that would happen at that dinner table tomorrow and it only made him more anxious.

It was probably that guy she was texting, wasn't it? He thought to himself. That's when all possibilities flowed through his head. What if the guy was actually nice and he actually liked him? He highly doubted it, no one could beat his dad.

He twisted onto his side and let out a long sigh. "I hate this..." He mumbled to no one.

He was so restless. He turned on his lamp and sat up. Minho looked around the small room looking for anything to distract him from his thoughts about tomorrow for just a moment.

After minutes of searching he sighed and went to lie down again. That's when he heard footsteps in the living room. He reached for his phone and checked the time. 2 am.

Minho sat up again. "Jisung?" He got up and put his slippers on, he grabbed a cardigan this time in case Jisung locked him outside.

This was very likely.

He opened the bedroom door and looked into the living room, Jisung wasn't there but then he heard some noises in the kitchen.

Minho walked from his room to the kitchen without any hesitation and saw Jisung standing there in front of the kettle waiting for it to boil.

He wore a fluffy hoodie and pajama pants. He also wore trainers. Minho smiled subconsciously.

Jisung seemed to feel someone staring at him because he turned around and jumped when he saw Minho standing there with a soft smile on his face.

"Yah!" He whisper shouted. "Hyung you frightened me" He pouted. The kettle came to a boil "Do you want coffee?" Jisung asked.

Minho walked over to the boy and shook his head. "I'm okay..." He answered. Jisung hummed and contemplated on making one for himself. He did boil the water to make one but he also wanted to sleep.

He shrugged and decided he'd just make two for himself later on.

"What are you doing up?" Jisung asked he leaned against the counter and looked at Minho who stood beside him.

"Couldn't sleep" He simply replied. He didn't want to openly talk about why he couldn't sleep though. He never does that shit.

Jisung hummed "That's nothing new" He chuckled. Minho had to laugh as well. "It isn't your bed is it?" Jisung asked. "I can get my dad to see if there's any-"

"No! I just... Can't stop thinking" It felt weird saying that out loud. It was pretty obvious in Minho's head but to actually say it out loud, he really confirmed it for himself.

Jisung hummed "I get that, it happens to me too" He smiled. "Hence why I'm always awake at 2am" He laughed.

Minho smiled a little, he felt oddly comforted.

Jisung hummed to himself again and then took Minho's hand in his own "Come on, let me show you something"

Minho was a bit stunned to say the least when he felt Jisung hold his hand. Maybe it's because he was sleep deprived but it felt really nice.

Jisung brought him outside and walked over to a small gate down at the side of the house, he opened it and brought Minho in with him. "This looks like a dodgy alleyway Ji" Minho yawned not noticing the nickname he gave him.

Jisung laughed "I know right" the pair stopped when they got to a large tank on a stone.

Jisung looked back at Minho who held a judgy face. Jisung snorted. "It's our boiler" He told him "And also my ladder to get onto the roof"

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