Chapter 4: New York

Começar do início

"No, tell her I get it. I've always been loyal to you and never set your dolls on fire." He argues.

"That was one time!" I hear Marla from the background and chuckle at their little fight. They both want my room since it's a little bigger than theirs because I was born a few years before them. But I'll let mom handle that.

"Behave, you two monsters." I laugh and get two offended huffs back before the phone is passed back to my mom.

"Alright, I will take a nap now. I love you." I say.

"Good idea and I love you too." Mom answers before we hang up. I drop my phone back onto the bed and cross my arms behind my head.

My thoughts wander to the train ride today and green eyes come to my mind. I smile and feel a small tingle in my stomach but try to ignore that.
She was just a stranger I met on a train. A very beautiful one, no doubt, but still.
Her daughter was adorable though and it melted my heart that Rose liked the picture we drew so much.
Both of them gave off a happy and excited energy, that I honestly adore. As well as the way Scarlett looked at her daughter, like she is the most precious thing in the world.

My thoughts still swirling around the two blondes I met in the train, my eyelids get heavier and I eventually fall asleep.

I'm woken up by an ambulance driving by and open my eyes. For a few seconds I'm confused where I am until I remember that I'm in New York in my hotel room. A smile spreads on my face and I look at the ceiling a few more seconds before I sit up and stretch my arms. I check the time, it's 5 pm now, so I can still walk around and explore a little bit.

So, I get up and dressed, grab my backpack and head out of the hotel.
A warm wind lets my hair fly around a little.
For the last day of July it's not too hot and I enjoy being outside. The sun isn't too high anymore and doesn't blind me when I walk down the street.

I decide to just walk around a bit to explore the closer surroundings of my hotel. When I see something interesting in a shop window, I stroll over and take a closer look. I am aware that I can't really afford to buy anything yet because the money I saved will be used for my hotel room and food but it's nice to look at stuff.
There are quite some interesting people walking around and I enjoy the diversity of people.
Back in my home town, there wasn't that much diversity which I thought was sad because I like getting to know other cultures.

My mind wanders off again, just thinking about random things while I walk around.

I end up in front of a coffeeshop. It's not very big but radiates a comfortable flair. I decide to go inside and am meet with a calm but inviting atmosphere. There are some book shelfs on one side of the store and a few plants decorate the windows. I step to the counter, my eyes looking over the menu.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" I am greeted by a woman my age who smiles kindly at me.

I look over the menu again and order a tea and a muffin. Coffee would just keep me awake too long.
The woman nods and types in my order. I pay for it and take my tea and muffin and sit down at a table close to the book shelf. My eyes read the different titles while I sip on my tea.

A poetry book catches my eye and I pull it out to look at some of the poems. They are sweet and when I read one about a forest in sunlight, which is really good, a pair of green eyes comes to my mind.
They have a similar color as the trees described in the poem.
I shake my head to clear my thoughts and put the book back.

I look around the store further and notice a little sign "Help wanted". Well, isn't that what I hoped for? Finding a job quickly? And this coffeeshop seems to be nice to work in.

After finishing my muffin and tea, I bring the cup back to the counter. The woman smiles at me again and takes the cup. I point to the sign.

"Is that job still available?" I ask and she looks at me surprised, probably not thinking I would ask.

"Yes, are you interested?" Her smile a bit friendlier now and she tilts her head in question. I nod.

"I am. What kind of job is it? Part or full time?" I ask further.

"Part time, we need someone for the first shift because most of the people who work here are college students who want to earn some money but have classes in the morning." She explains and by her tone I can tell that she is worried that it will put me off.

Does it though? I mean I'd prefer a full time job. Not only because it would occupy me longer but it pays more money and I think I can't pay rent off of only a part time job. But on the other hand, this job is available now and the sooner I have a job, the sooner I can look for apartments. Besides, I will find another part time job to fill the rest of the day. I nod slowly.

"Okay, I would like to take that job." I agree and her smile grows a little more.

"Great. I will inform my boss. Come back in tomorrow at 8 am, then she can talk to you and give you a contract and a working schedule."

"Okay, I will be in time." I say with a smile and the woman nods, writing a little note to talk to her boss. She asks for my name before we say goodbye and I step out of the shop.

Since I walked around without looking at the streets name, I now have to look where I am exactly to find my way back to the shop tomorrow.
I write down the address in my phone and look up my way back to the hotel.

Around twenty minutes later I'm back at my hotel and go up to my room. I use the bathroom quickly before going back to the small bar of the hotel to eat dinner.

A/n: We arrived in New York, our life slowly starts to evolve.

Also, I decided on an upload "schedule". I'll upload every second day and idk, call me strange, but I prefer the uneven days XD

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

The Stranger on the TrainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora